100 Tips For Amateur Players I / Errata

These errata refer to the first edition, July 2007.

Preface, 3rd paragraph.
Wrong: They are: Basic Jeongseok & Variations after Jeomgseok, Basick Opening & Baduk Proverbs, and Training Chapter.
Right: They are: Basic Jeongseok & Variations after Jeongseok, Basic Opening & Baduk Proverbs, and Training Chapter.
Wrong: Trainning
Right: Training
p12, Dia. 5
Wrong: Exvchange
Right: Exchange
Dubious: Compared with the knight's move, one-space enclosure is better for expansion and fighting.
Perhaps: Compared with the knight's move, the one-space enclosure is better for expansion and fighting.
p17, Dia. 06
Wrong: Think like a pro hengma
Right: Think like a pro haengma
p19, Dia. 01
Dubious: However, make sure that a ladder is involved in this Jeongseok.
Perhaps: However, check the ladder involved in this Jeongseok.
Wrong: If White plays at 3, where shoul Black answer between A and B?
Right: If White plays at 3, where should Black answer between A and B?
p25, Dia. 07
Dubious: (Black's marked stone has turned to be bad)
Perhaps: (Black's marked stone has turned out to be bad)
p27, Caption for Dia. 1
Wrong: White 8 against Black 7
Right: Black 8 against White 7
p28, Caption for Dia. 3
Wrong: Black's weakness
Right: White's weakness
Dubious: If you focus on the speed and territory you can select Jeongseok 2.
Perhaps: If you focus on speed and territory you can select Jeongseok 2.
p34, Caption for Dia. 8
Wrong: Black can aim
Right: White can aim
p47, Dia. 08
Wrong: If White A, Black B, White C and Black D can capture a White stone.
Right: If Black A, White B, Black C and White D can capture a Black stone.
p50, Caption for Dia. 3
Wrong: Black's weakness
Right: White's weakness
p55, Dia. 02
Dubious: Black 2 and 4 are followed.
Perhaps: Black 2 and 4 follow.
p57, Dia. 06
Wrong: Black can paly a ladder breaker in the top right corner.
Right: Black can play a ladder breaker in the top right corner.
p58, Caption for Dia. 7
Wrong: White can sacrifice
Right: Black can sacrifice
Wrong: Black can chose the next move in this area from A to F.
Right: Black can choose the next move in this area from A to F.
p62, Dia. 06, title.
Wrong: Modern Jeongseok - Three space pincer
Right: Modern Jeongseok - Two space pincer
p63, A-12.Jeongseok
Wrong: Balck
Right: Black
p72, Dia. 01
Wrong: White 1 and Back 2 is the beginning of the Jeongseok.
Right: White 1 and Black 2 is the beginning of the Jeongseok.
p80, Dia. 05, title.
Wrong: Biassed
Right: Biased
Wrong diagram. Scenario text and diagram are coherent, but the title and subsequent answers refer to a completely different problem.
p99 Scenario Diagram  
p109, Scenario
Wrong: Where should White play between A and B?
Right: Where should Black play between A and B?

p110, Dia. 02
Wrong: The Black group not is efficient. Later White can build up moyo with White A, Black B and White C.
Right: The Black group is not efficient. Later White can build up a moyo with White A, Black B and White C.
p112, Dia. 05
Wrong: Furthermore, White A and Black B are almost sente for White.
Right: Furthermore, Black A and White B are almost sente for Black.
p117, Dia. 09
Wrong: Diagram 09
Right: Diagram 05
p117, Dia. 09
Wrong: Then if White A, Black can play at B. If White C, Black can play at D.
Right: Then if Black A, White can play at B. If Black C, White can play at D.
p118, Dia. 08
Wrong: The exchange of Black A and White B should be reserved for the central play at A.
Right: The exchange of Black A and White B should be reserved for the central play at C.
p119, Dia. 10
Wrong: Black 1 is vital in three-star formation. Up to Black 5 Black has built up a large moyo in the center.
Right: Black 1 is vital in the three-star formation. Up to Black 5 , Black has built up a large moyo in the center.
p122, Dia. 01
Wrong: If White approaches at A
Right: If White approaches at 1
p124, Dia. 05
Wrong: Black 2 to 6 is good attack. White can build up
Right: Black 2 to 6 is a good attack. Black can build up
p125, Dia. 07, title.
Wrong: (Good for Black)
Right: (Poor for Black)
p126, Dia. 09
Wrong: Black'spincer at 1 is also possible in this situation.
Right: Black's pincer at 1 is also possible in this situation.
Wrong: So it aims to be a closing game.
Right: So it aims to be a close game.
p135, Dia. 04
Wrong: This result seems is slightly good for Black.
Right: This result seems slightly good for Black.
Wrong: It is the most difficult thing for weak players to make sacrifice. The stronger you are, the easier you can make sacrifice. Study how to make full use of sacrifice.
Right: It is the most difficult thing for weak players to make a sacrifice. The stronger you are, the easier it becomes to make a sacrifice. Study how to make full use of sacrifices.
p148, Dia. 13
Wrong: If Black 2 at A, White B kills them.
Right: If White 2 at A, Black B kills them.
p150, Dia. 17 caption
Wrong: Black to play
Right: White to play
p151, Dia. 20
Wrong: How to make sacrifice?
Right: How to make a sacrifice?
p154, Dia. 01
Wrong: Hot to make full use of the marked stones?
Right: How to make full use of the marked stones?
p156, Dia. 06
Wrong: Then up to Black 7 Black can capture the White group.
Right: Then up to 7, Black can capture the White group.
p157, Dia. 08
Wrong: Then up to Black 7 White's group is dead.
Right: Then up to Black 7, White's group is dead.
p159, Dia. 12, title.
Wrong: Correct Answer (Nobi in the first line)
Right: Correct Answer (Nobi on the first line)
Wrong: They are to prevent the opponent from connecting, to reduce the liberties, to attack and defend, to settle the weak group and so on.
Right: They are to prevent the opponent from connecting, to reduce liberties, to attack and defend, to settle a weak group and so on.
p162, Dia. 01
Wrong: If White 1, Black 2 to 6 is good painful for White.
Right: If White 1, Black 2 to 6 is very painful for White.
p165, Dia. 08
Wrong: Black 1 and 3 are good sacrifice.
Right: Black 1 and 3 are a good sacrifice.
p167, Dia. 12
Wrong: If White cuts at 2, White can cut off the two stones but White's territory is not small.
Right: If White cuts at 2, Black can cut off the two stones but White's territory is not small.
p172, Dia. 08
Wrong: Using the dead stones in the corner Black can connect with the marked chain.
Right: Using the dead stones in the corner Black can connect with the marked stone.
p173, Dia. 09
Wrong: Black 1 is a double-aimed move.
Right: Black 1 is a double-purpose move.
p176, Dia. 15
Wrong: How to escape the marked stone?
Right: How can the marked stone escape?
p184, Dia. 07
In the top right corner, the Black stone below the marked White stone should not be in the diagram.
Wrong: TRC: How to capture the White stone without ko?
Right: TRC: How to capture the four White stones without ko?
p184, Dia. 08
Wrong: Up to Black 5 Black captures the White stones with shortage of liberties.
Right: Up to Black 5, Black captures the White stones with shortage of liberties.

100 Tips For Amateur Players I / Errata last edited by on February 11, 2011 - 15:37
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