
    Keywords: Tournament

Judan (十段 Jūdan), which literally means "ten dan", is the fourth oldest of the seven big titles in Japanese professional Go. The winner's prize is ¥7,000,000 currently, smallest among the big seven. It is sponsored by the [ext] Sankei Shinbun newspaper. All professional players of the Nihon Ki-in and Kansai Ki-in can participate.

Automatic rank advancement

Due to the importance of the Judan as one of the "big seven" titles in Japan, there are several paths of automatic rank advancement through it in the Nihon Ki-in new promotion system. Challenging for the title warrants a promotion to 7-dan, actually winning the title promotes to 8-dan, and finally winning the title twice gives an immediate 9-dan promotion.

Winners and Runners-up

The title match usually starts in March. See also [ext] Judan, Go to Everyone

Winners and defeated finalists
Ed. Year Winner Runner-up Result
1st 1962 Hashimoto Utaro Handa Dogen 3–1
2nd 1963 Handa Dogen Hashimoto Utaro 3–1
3rd 1964 Fujisawa Hosai Handa Dogen 3–2
4th 1965 Takagawa Kaku Fujisawa Hosai 3–1
5th 1966 Sakata Eio Takagawa Kaku 3–1
6th 1967 Sakata Eio Fujisawa Hosai 3–2
7th 1968 Sakata Eio Fujisawa Hideyuki 3–1
8th 1969 Otake Hideo Sakata Eio 3–0
9th 1971 Hashimoto Utaro Otake Hideo 3–2
10th 1972 Sakata Eio Hashimoto Utaro 3–2
11th 1973 Sakata Eio Takagi Shoichi 3–0
12th 1974 Hashimoto Shoji Sakata Eio 3–1
13th 1975 Rin Kaiho Hashimoto Shoji 3–0
14th 1976 Kato Masao Rin Kaiho 3–2
15th 1977 Kato Masao Sakata Eio 3–0
16th 1978 Kato Masao Rin Kaiho 3–1
17th 1979 Kato Masao Hashimoto Shoji 3–1
18th 1980 Otake Hideo Kato Masao 3–2
19th 1981 Otake Hideo Hashimoto Shoji 3–0
20th 1982 Cho Chikun Otake Hideo 3–1
21st 1983 Kato Masao Cho Chikun 3–2
22nd 1984 Kobayashi Koichi Kato Masao 3–2
23rd 1985 Kobayashi Koichi Otake Hideo 3–0
24th 1986 Kobayashi Koichi Takemiya Masaki 3–0
25th 1987 Kato Masao Kobayashi Koichi 3–1
26th 1988 Cho Chikun Kato Masao 3–2
27th 1989 Cho Chikun Rin Kaiho 3–0
28th 1990 Takemiya Masaki Cho Chikun 3–2
29th 1991 Takemiya Masaki Cho Chikun 3–2
30th 1992 Takemiya Masaki Kobayashi Koichi 3–1
31st 1993 Otake Hideo Takemiya Masaki 3–1
32nd 1994 Otake Hideo Kobayashi Koichi 3–2
33rd 1995 Yoda Norimoto Otake Hideo 3–0
34th 1996 Yoda Norimoto O Rissei 3–1
35th 1997 Kato Masao Yoda Norimoto 3–2
36th 1998 Hikosaka Naoto Kato Masao 3–2
37th 1999 Kobayashi Koichi Hikosaka Naoto 3–0
38th 2000 Kobayashi Koichi Nakano Hironari 3–0
39th 2001 O Rissei Kobayashi Koichi 3–2
40th 2002 O Rissei Takemiya Masaki 3–2
41st 2003 O Rissei Takao Shinji 3–2
42nd 2004 O Rissei Cho U 3–1
43rd 2005 Cho Chikun O Rissei 3–2
44th 2006 Cho Chikun Yamashita Keigo 3–1
45th 2007 Cho Chikun Yamashita Keigo 3–2
46th 2008 Takao Shinji Cho Chikun 3–0
47th 2009 Cho U Takao Shinji 3–1
48th 2010 Cho U Yamashita Keigo 3–0
49th 2011 Iyama Yuta Cho U 3–2
50th 2012 Iyama Yuta Cho U 3–1
51th 2013 Yuki Satoshi Iyama Yuta 3–2
52th 2014 Takao Shinji Yuki Satoshi 3–2
53rd 2015 Ida Atsushi Takao Shinji 3–2
54th 2016 Iyama Yuta Ida Atsushi 3–1
55th 2017 Iyama Yuta Yu Zhengqi(Yo Seiki) 3–1
56th 2018 Iyama Yuta Murakawa Daisuke 3–0
57th 2019 Murakawa Daisuke Iyama Yuta 3–1
58th 2020 Shibano Toramaru Murakawa Daisuke 3–1
59th 2021 Kyo Kagen Shibano Toramaru 3–2
60th 2022 Kyo Kagen Yu Zhengqi 3–0
61st 2023 Shibano Toramaru Kyo Kagen 3–1
62nd 2024 Iyama Yuta Shibano Toramaru 3–2

Judan last edited by Jono64a on August 7, 2024 - 01:37
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