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Tim Kington, a.k.a. MatCauthon (KGS 8k)

Author of GoGrinder.

Tim, first of all: Thanks for this wonderful program. It is the best program for studying tsumego. Do you have any plans to release a Pocket PC version of it?

TimK: I don't have plans to currently, but I would be willing to help anyone who wanted to work on that. I don't have any experience with Java on PocketPC.

Velobici: TimK, thank you very much for writing GoGrinder. I have found it be a very useful study tool. I do have two questions: How should I format an SGF file for Status? style problems? The first problem in James Davies book Life and Death is an example:


Actually, this problem illustrated several issues:

  1. Either White or Black may move first
  2. The correct move is a pass

TimK: The way I usually handle this is to create two problems - one with Black to play, one with White. If I want to include a pass/tenuki as a possible choice, I mark a point A, and in the description of the problem put something like "A=tenuki".

Tim, How about a Java version for the cell phone? :) Then I could use GoGrinder anywhere!

TimK last edited by on December 20, 2006 - 20:42
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