
Sub-page of DragonTourney2007

Here are the pool setup for the first round of the open section of DragonTourney2007.

Fill in the game number when you have invited your opponent and the game has started.

"_X_" is the diagonal, "_-_" is games that don't exist yet, and "BSY" is an ongoing game. For finished games, we'll use "_1_" for a win and "_0_" for a loss. ">0<" stands for games that weren't started in due time and count for a loss for both players.

Numbers in bold are for players which are qualified for the second round


  • Handicap: none, all games even with nigiri
  • Komi: 6.5
  • Board: 19 x 19
  • Time: 3 months per player no byo-yomi
  • Rated: yes
  • Clock runs on weekends: yes
  • Rounds: 2
  • Pools: 7 pools of 13 players. Top 2 player of each pool to progress to round 2.
  • Games unstarted by the 31st of january will count as a loss for both players, reminders have been sent about that.

Pool 1

                    1     2     3      4      5     6     7     8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 Valdor         [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 12/12 |   3k [ext] Valdor
2 Chariot        [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY  |  3/12 |   6k [ext] Chariot
3 EricBackus     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |   5k [ext] EricBackus
4 switch         [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  9/12 |   4k [ext] switch
5 xxc            [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  6/12 |   7k [ext] xxc
6 trafalmadorian [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  7/12 |   8k [ext] trafalmadorian
7 Androxylo      [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  2/12 |  10k [ext] Androxylo
8 Lordyears      [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |   9k [ext] Lordyears
9 Dmg            [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  13k [ext] dmg
A micci          [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 |  14k [ext] micci
B Bar            [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 |  26k [ext] Bar
C grommit        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY  |  0/12 |  16k [ext] grommit
D toporagno      [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_  |  0/12 |  25k [ext] toporagno

Pool 2

                1     2     3     4     5      6     7     8     9      A     B     C     D     Pts
1 Lenius    [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  1/12 |  1d [ext] lenius
2 Serac     [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 11/12 |  2k [ext] Serac
3 tym       [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  7/12 |  5k [ext] tym
4 Fougere   [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  6/12 |  4k [ext] Fougere
5 Hats      [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 11/12 |  7k [ext] hatt
6 Stoker    [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  6k [ext] stoker
7 Snakebite [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 | 10k [ext] Snakebite
8 Thom27    [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  9k [ext] Thom27
9 sngrfxz   [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  2/12 | 13k [ext] sngrfxz
A salkkuman [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  7/12 | 16k [ext] salkkuman
B laktagoga [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_  |  2/12 | 29k [ext] laktagoga
C csanders  [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_  |  7/12 | 16k [ext] csanders
D ypercube  [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_  |  1/12 | 16k [ext] ypercube

Pool 3

                 1      2     3     4     5      6     7      8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 Araldo      [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  3k [ext] Araldo
2 Tinhore     [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  3d [ext] tinhore
3 iii         [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  9/12 |  6k [ext] iii
4 kunpeng     [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  4k [ext] kunpeng
5 dagibbs     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 |  7k [ext] dagibbs
6 lefrog      [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  8k [ext] lefrog
7 Pkotla      [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  6/12 | 10k [ext] pkotla
8 Teq Go      [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 |  9k [ext] Tequs
9 Ryzours     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  4/12 | 13k [ext] Ryzours
A Erge        [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  7/12 | 21k [ext] Erge
B mlaustin1   [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_  |  0/12 | 24k [ext] mlaustin1
C cdo4        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_  |  2/12 | 15k [ext] cdo4
D Bill Tür    [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_  |  1/12 | 23k [ext] billtuer

Pool 4

                  1      2     3     4     5      6     7      8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 Joshua1000   [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 11/12 |  3k [ext] joshual000
2 Davos        [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 12/12 |  4d [ext] davos
3 Hooj         [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  5/12 |  5k [ext] hooj
4 SqueakyRat   [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  5k [ext] SqueakyRat
5 Jaime        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  3/12 |  8k [ext] Jaime
6 Reemi        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  3/12 |  8k [ext] Reemi
7 Tyr          [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  1/12 | 10k [ext] Tyr
8 Steve        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_  |  6/12 | 12k [ext] ssa438
9 Cutronik     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_  |  1/12 | 13k [ext] cutronik
A Razorflame   [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_  |  0/12 | 26k [ext] Razorflame  (withdrawn)
B redterror    [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY  |  3/12 | 18k [ext] redterror
C estoy        [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY  |  1/12 | 18k [ext] estoy
D Dima         [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_  |  6/12 | 17k [ext] Dima

Pool 5

                    1      2     3     4     5      6     7      8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 or2win         [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 12/12 |  1d [ext] or2win
2 Naptod         [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  3k [ext] naptod
3 Ministrom      [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  4k [ext] Ministrom
4 kidicculus     [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  1/12 |  6k [ext] kidicculus
5 Jarmo Ahosola  [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  7k [ext] Ithelog
6 cavatappi5     [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_  |  3/12 | 11k [ext] cavatappi5
7 Matcauthon     [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_  |  4/12 | 10k [ext] MatCauthon
8 wallyjburger   [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  3/12 | 13k [ext] wallyjburger
9 whiterabbit    [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_  |  2/12 | 13k [ext] whiterabbit
A Firzen_Zero    [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  2/12 | 26k [ext] Firzen_Zero
B ygrek          [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  7/12 | 16k [ext] ygrek
C priquas        [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY  |  0/12 | 21k [ext] priquas
D Pickwick       [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_  |  1/12 | 30k [ext] pickwick

Pool 6

                 1      2     3     4     5      6     7      8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 marigo      [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |   2k [ext] Ma Ri Go (marigo)
2 senbazuru   [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 11/12 |   2k [ext] thomas (senbazuru)
3 asterixnon  [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 12/12 |   4k [ext] Johan (asterixnon)
4 Migeru      [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  1/12 |   8k [ext] Miguel Carrion Alvarez (Migeru)
5 allfather   [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  0/12 |   8k [ext] He Who Walks in Shadows (allfather)
6 micthor     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY  |  4/12 |  10k [ext] Thorsten Bartelt (micthor)
7 Walin       [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  10k [ext] Matti Rintala (Walin)
8 reed338     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |   9k [ext] Nathan Reed (reed338)
9 properler   [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY  |  3/12 |  14k [ext] Stephane Payrard (properler)
A Benedictu5  [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_  |  1/12 |  18k [ext] Ben Lambrechts (Benedictu5)
B c_plante    [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_  |  2/12 |  27k [ext] Christian Plante (c_plante)
C outofbound  [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_  |  4/12 |  18k [ext] Tom Geiger (outofbound)
D mcmurphy    [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_  |  2/12 |  22k [ext] Riccardo Landi (mcmurphy)

Pool 7

                1      2     3     4     5      6     7      8     9     A      B     C     D     Pts
1 Valkoinen [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 |  3k [ext] Valkoinen
2 Filip     [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_  |  5/12 |  4d [ext] Filip
3 lschua    [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 11/12 |  6k [ext] lschua
4 Venn      [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  6/12 |  9k [ext] Venn
5 jogie     [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  7k [ext] jogie
6 audra     [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  8/12 | 11k [ext] audra
7 Striker   [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  | 10/12 |  9k [ext] Striker
8 krinid    [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  5/12 | 12k [ext] krinid
9 oslito    [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_  |  5/12 | 14k [ext] oslito
A Phelan    [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY  |  0/12 | 18k [ext] Phelan
B shade     [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_  |  2/12 | 26k [ext] shade
C Beany_one [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] BSY  |  0/12 | 18k [ext] Beany_one
D eeblahmo  [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] BSY [ext] _X_  |  2/12 | 16k [ext] eeblahmo

DragonTourney2007/Round1Open last edited by Walin on September 4, 2007 - 12:13
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