unkx80 / Go Terms Questions

Sub-page of Unkx80

unkx80: This page contains the discussion originally found in AjiKeshi.

Is this the same as a Thank You Move?


In my personal opinion, there is a difference. The Thank You Move, i.e. the move White really wants to play here, is White 1, which leaves her with a one point bigger territory. There is no debate that the exchange in the example is a kikashi - it just happens to be only one of different ways to exploit the weakness. As it is too soon to tell that this is the best way, it is played too early and hence aji-keshi.


Which diagram does this discussion relate to? No diagram seems to have been moved with the discussion.- GregoryWonderwheel

unkx80: This one. (Got to look into the page history of both pages to figure out; this material was moved seven years ago.)

Aji keshi  

Can we agree that the set of thank you moves is a subset of the larger set aji keshi ?


May I know the difference between AjiKeshi and ZokuSuji? And we can call these as Su2 Shou3 in Chinese? Thank you.


Maybe with the following sentences:

  1. You could have played in a better way there: you played ZokuSuji.
  2. You had better not have played there: you played AjiKeshi.


Dear unkx80, the character for zoku is pronounced like su in Mandarin (I am using Karlgren's 1923 book, not sure what romanization it used.) It means common or vulgar.
The character for aji is pronounced uei. It means taste, flavor.
I didn't find the other characters in Karlgren, sorry.
However, here is a [ext] GIF for tesuji, and one for [ext] zoku.
Here is one for [ext] aji, and one for [ext] kesu, the verb form for keshi.
Thanks to [ext] Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server ([ext] canada mirror, [ext] usa mirror).

Wow! Thanks Bill! Now I can relate some of these Japanese style terms with what I know in Chinese.


You're most welcome. :-) -- Bill

To unkx80: You might be interested in this url: [ext] http://www2.tokai.or.jp/igo/jiten/jiten1.htm

unkx80 / Go Terms Questions last edited by Unkx80 on August 10, 2008 - 16:35
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