4-4 point diagonal attachment, pincer (without one-space jump)

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: Joseki

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4-4 point diagonal attachment, pincer (without one-space jump)  

In the 4-4 point diagonal attachment, one-space jump (without pincer) page, it was mentioned that B2 is usually not a good move. In this page, we discuss the case when B4 is played at a pincer (at or around B4) instead.

Note that this sequence by itself is usually a mistake and hence it is not a joseki. However, like many concepts in Go, there are exceptions which make this playable.

One may want to compare and contrast this sequence with the 4-4 point diagonal attachment joseki.

Typical patterns

Pattern 1  

From professional play, we see that this sequence can be called a set pattern. B4 is a good empty triangle, denying White good shape. B6 covers his cutting point and W7 does likewise.

Pattern 2  

If B1 here instead of B4 in the previous diagram, White can cut and squeeze. When Black captures at a, White will protect her cutting point at b or c. This takes the fire out of the attack.

Pattern 3  

This is also seen, but there is a ladder issue. White denies the good empty triangle but ends up with a mediocre shape anyway.

Ladder requirement  

If W1 is played immediately, without a favourable ladder, it might be an overplay. See the Sakata-Go game in the next section.

Example in professional play: Sakata-Go game

Sakata Eio vs Go Seigen, 23 May 1957  

This game is from the 1st Japan's Strongest Deciding Matches played on 23 May 1957, with Sakata Eio playing White against Go Seigen.

Here, the diagonal attachment against the weak Black stone at W1 allows Sakata play W3 in sente. There is some number of games where White has a wall of three or more stones one space to the right of white+circle or where black+circle and B2 were played before the touch of W1.

Next, Sakata plays the cut of W5. Naturally White has the ladder. Although W9 at a would get good shape, but Black will play at b.

Sakata Eio vs Go Seigen, 23 May 1957  

White lives in the corner, and Black lives on the side. In the game it was possible to exchange b for c before playing at B10.

However, Black (Go Seigen) won the game.

A very detailed commentary of the whole game can be found at [ext] http://www.wingsgoclub.org/books/go-seigen-book.pdf.

Not granting the shortest extension

Not granting the shortest extension  

This is sometimes seen in handicap games. Instead of playing B4 at the usual one-space jump (see 4-4 point diagonal attachment joseki), B4 denies White even the shortest extension.

Most of the time, this is not a good idea. Without going into all the tactical complications, we can say that B4 makes it easier for White to sacrifice W1 and W3. Without that move it is difficult to throw them away. With the left side open, B4 is quite likely to be worse than an extension down the left side. One will also need to take into account that for White to invade at W1, the left side is usually not open.

After B4, W5 at any of a to e is worth considering, particularly since White may throw W1 and W3 away.

Professional idea  

However, it might be that White a is indeed an overplay, inducing Black b. This has occurred in some professional games. The most common idea is this W1, to make some shape.

4-4 point diagonal attachment, pincer (without one-space jump) last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 14:28
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