Playing Room


Every venue will have different facilities and conditions, so the points raised here will need to be interpreted in the light of the venue under considerartion.

Each game requires a board, two sets of stones, a clock, table and two chairs as a minimum. The table must be big enough to permit each player to rest their arms on it without disturbing the board. It must be possible to sit down and stand up without disturbing other games excessively. Ideally allow much more space including enough for an A4 pad for each player to record games and a space for a water bottle or purse to be placed on the table.

Ensure than no board is trapped against a wall so that the players cannot get in and out easily. Provide enough space for observers to stand and watch a game without preventing others walking by.

For each room consider ventilation?, temperature?, lighting? (artificial and glare from the sun) and noise?.

Avoid having other activities in the same room as playing rooms.

Ensure that each room has a copy of the "tournament rules" and other tournament related notices on display and do not put these in/near the doorway where congestion will occur. Ideally display the draw for the room's boards in the room - definitely not by the doorway and also not "on top of" a board in use for playing.

Ensure that the tables are sturdy enough and that the boards do not rock when placed on them.

Playing Room last edited by SGBailey on August 14, 2003 - 18:08
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