The [ext] European Go Federation currently has 35 members. During the fortnight of the congress much EGF discussion occurs and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place.

Usually the AGM takes place on the Friday evening of the first week. This permits delegates attending the first week only or the weekend / second week only to attend maximising the potential attendance. A well chaired meeting is likely to run from 18:00 to 24:00 with a 45 minute break half-way for a meal / snack. A poorly chaired or controversial meeting has been known to run to 26:00 (2am) and then adjourn to Saturday evening.

There are many things that the congress organisers can do to help the AGM be successful:

  • Provide a venue suitable for seating 2 representatives from each member country, the entire executive, the auditors, and any special guests
  • Provide space (not necessarily seating) for non-participant national go association members to observe the proceedings
  • Provide a desk or table for documents for each participant.
  • Ensure that the venue is quiet (air conditioning can be noisy) and neither cold nor hot and stuffy.
  • Provide refreshments (water, cola, glasses) and stationery (paper, pencil)
  • The room should be free one at least hour before the meeting should start. This time may be needed for rearranging the furniture and distributing material.

Other meetings

Prepare to offer space for other meetings.

  • EGF executive and commissions may need to have a meeting.
  • EGCC has organised a meeting to represent its work.
  • Referee workshop?s have been organised.

EGF and AGM last edited by ArnoHollosi on August 6, 2014 - 20:33
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