Lessons In The Fundamentals Of Go

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Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go
("Ama to Puro")
Part 11 of the series: Go Super Books
By: Kageyama Toshiro
Publisher: Ishi Press, Kiseido?, July 1978
ISBN10 4-90657-428-9
ISBN13 978-4-906574-28-5
268 pp.

Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go is the English translation of the book Ama to Puro (素人と玄人, meaning "Amateurs and Professionals") by Kageyama Toshiro. Ama to Puro is volume 11 of the Go Super Books series of the Nihon Kiin. James Davies's English translation was published by Ishi Press and later reprinted by Kiseido. ISBN: 4-07187-028-3

Known to some as "The Yellow Book".

See also /Discussion.

Some content is discussed at

Game database references


[ext] David Carlton's review
[ext] All About Go review

Table of Contents

Sample Material

to be added, see also Kageyama vs Rin

Other Languages

German: Lehrstunden in den Grundlagen des Go. published by Brett und Stein Verlag in 2009.

French: Lecons sur les fondamentaux du jeu de Go. Published by Rémi Vannier in june 2016.

Japanese: New edition of the original Japanese book was published in 2013 by the Nihon Kiin. ISBN-13:‎ 978-4818206113

Lessons In The Fundamentals Of Go last edited by hnishy on July 2, 2024 - 04:02
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