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Hi! I'm 14 and I'm 5 kyu on the KGS go server. I've been playing Go since September 2006. Post a message with your rank on this page if you are. I will teach anyone on KGS. Email or post a message on this page.


  • 30/9/06 Play Go for the first time at an outreach event with the BGA. Download igowin
  • 13/10/06 Join KGS, play first 19x19 game. Rank is 21 kyu
  • 15/11/06 Get to 15 kyu.
  • 27/12/06 Start this page
  • 1/1/07 Start the year as 12 kyu
  • 21/1/07 Join the BGA
  • 25/2/07 Went to youth training day thing

My Goals:

  • 5 kyu KGS by September (Achieved 26/7/07)
  • Shodan by the time I'm 16
  • Enter a real-life go tournament: Achieved 25/1/07 entering British Youth Go Championships.
  • Win a real-life go tournament


26/7/07 Got a new account on KGS called Norbert2 , which has been as high as 3k, but is really about 5k.

20/7/07 Hmm, this Blog is upside down.

28/4/07 I forgot about this page for a while...but I'm 8k now

25/3/07 Came runner-up in the U14 category at the british youth go championships! I won 4 of 5, losing one to the winner of the section

22/3/07 Reached 9k, and am half way through lessons in the fundamentals of go, which has helped loads

26/2/07 Beat my first SDK without a handicap.

25/2/07 Went to youth training day in Cambridge, played and won my first game on a real 19x19 board and had a game reviewed by a dan player

20/2/07 Reached 10 kyu!

2/1/07 Been invited to a youth training day in Cambridge, even though I've never played in real-life.

25/1/07 Just entered the British Youth Go Championships, which will be in Loughborough on the 25th of March. Achieved one of my goals, just got to win it to get the other one!

15/1/07 I'm going to buy OpeningTheoryMadeEasy soon I think, because my opening is awful. I'm also going to join the BritishGoAssociation, and hopefully enter the British Youth Go Championships in Loughborough.

11/1/07 I'm going to buy a book on Go soon, to try and help me get better. Not sure what to get though, anyone got any ideas? I've been changing from 12 to 11 kyu for the past week now.

3/1/07 Just went back down to 12 kyu:(

2/1/07 Just become an 11 kyu after beating a 7 kyu on KGS with a handicap! I'm looking to break into Single digit kyus by the end of January. 15/1/06: This looks a bit too ambitious... 10/2/07: This looks very ambitious...

1/1/07 Happy New Year!


Phelan: Regarding what Go books to get, David Carlton's [ext] Go bibliography is a good place to help you decide.

sjd123: Thanks Phelan.

sjd123 fourteentotwenty

If you've read this far, don't you have something better to be doing?

sjd123 last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 11:33
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