Professional Tournament Time Limits


Most of the information in this table was added in October 2010, and should be accurate as of that date. Professional tournaments do sometimes change their organization and time limits.


Name Time
Fujitsu Cup, Chunlan Cup, LG Cup, Ing Cup 3 hours
Samsung Cup 2 hours
Nongshim Cup, BC Card Cup 1 hour

Japan Domestic:

Name Time
Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo League 5 hours, Title Match 8 hours
Gosei 4 hours
Judan, Female Honinbo 3 hours main tournament, 4 hours final
Oza, Tengen, Female Meijin 3 hours
Agon 1.5 hours for the final & semifinal, 2 hours for knockout, 1 for preliminaries (as of 2000)
NHK Cup, Female Kisei 10 minutes + 30 seconds byo-yomi

See: [ext]

Korean Domestic:

Name Time
Kuksu 3 hours
GS Caltex Cup 2 hours
Myeongin 2 hours +3x60sec byo-yomi
Chunwon 1 hours +3x40s
Women's Kuksu 4 hours final
KBS Cup 5 minutes +5x30s
Maxim Cup 10 minutes 3x40sec
Korean Prices Information Cup 10 minutes 3x40sec
Siptan 10 minutes 3x40sec
2011 Korean Baduk League short game 5x40sec, long game 1 hour 5x40sec

Chinese Domestic:

Name Time
Mingren, Tianyuan 3 hours

discussion: [ext]

Professional Tournament Time Limits last edited by emeraldemon on July 9, 2011 - 16:46
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