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I am Pluxus, 1d on DGS, 2d on IGS and moving forward. My goal is to reach 4d within the end of the year.

The high side is the good side!

19x19 diagram  

When stones on the 4th line are facing each other, as they do on the top, right and left side, then those sides are in general more urgent that when stones on 3rd and 4th line are facing each other as they do on bottom side. As a demonstration, playing at a would be a futile idea which holds little potential. As with all guidelines, there are exceptions, but unless you have a better plan, this is good to keep in mind. Depending on style, it is possible to prevent opponent's potential instead of creating for yourself, but even so, it should be done where it is the most efficient (at d for example).

Instead of a, moves like b, c, and d develop nicely and are all in areas of big potential.

Overconcentrating joseki!


If Black wants to overconcentrate White on the side, he can play the marked move. The standard variation is shown below:


The timing of W5 and W7 is crucial, if Black atari at W7 first, then the peep at W5 will lose its severity.


The idea is to make White invest many stones in the exchange, and if he has other stones on the side that makes him overconcentrated, then Black's plan is a success.

A common shape (under construction)

19x19 diagram  

Black has invaded the white formation, threatening to connect at a.

19x19 diagram  

Locally, Black can setup a ko, this is usually best when White is strong in the area and Black needs to stay flexible, perhaps in order to gain in other area with an unanswered ko threat.

19x19 diagram  

The high response at B2 aims at gaining influence.

19x19 diagram  
19x19 diagram  

With the marked stone in place, Black can choose to connect below. White ends with a if possible. Before playing this variation, the position of the marked stone and the aji of the B3 stone must be considered in a whole board perspective.

These 3 variations are only a small part of the possibilities and they should always be played according to a whole board strategy and never used blindly. If these variations cannot give you a satisfactory result then a different pattern should be chosen.

Pluxus last edited by nando on September 11, 2006 - 13:36
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