No Strive Go

    Keywords: Online Go

Unique features of No Strive Go:

  • Online Go playing, with absolutely no time limit!
  • If you cannot read chinese, the designer of the page has installed an english button for which you can click on, if there are still problems, you can email the designer directly and he will email back right away!
  • Simply with a web browser, you can play online Go games. There is no installation of any software. You can play games even with your smart phone
  • Every game is recorded permanently and has an unique URL address
  • You decide among about 8 different backgrounds for the goban! This is a really great feature that allows for a different feel: You can even have the screen look like that in many go publications with a white background for that "study" feel when reviewing games!
  • Players are free to estimate their rating, but be aware that many of the so called "18 kyu" players here are very very strong, and the style of play may be somewhat different than that of the European servers, ie, DGS and, leading to the truly authentic feel of this server.

Every player has his/her own NSG homepage: You have room to freely describe yourself and a basic intro.

With No Strive Go, playing Go is no longer competitive. With No Strive Go, you can always try your 'ear reddening moves'.

NoStrive is a webpage game; which means that it can play on any platform, such as iPad, mac, linux... and most of mobile: * This site is ideal for ipad, iphone, and android phone because it has a place to input the coordinates for the stones for each move, and it is very easy to not only review games move by move for every player.


No Strive Go last edited by on June 11, 2018 - 08:07
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