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I'm Matthias Butz, 19 years old from Bad Säckingen/Germany. At the moment I'm studying Computer Networking at the University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen.

Just recently I started playing on a regular basis again and maybe I got a bit weaker because of that long break. I'm now rated 13k on KGS and used to play at 10k-11k before. Perhaps it's also due to adjustments in the rating system, but I'm not too sure about that.

My first Go experiences were in 2002. Since that time I visited the Mannheimer Aji Tournament in 2003 and 2004. Sometimes I show up at the Go Club in Basel when I have time for that.

I have written a Go program for the Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus calculator. More information on this can be found on a separate page.

Dan Argent: Welcome. about your program, do you have access to a TI-89? it might be a tad easier to write the code on that. I don't have one but it seems everyone at my school is replacing their 83's. I must admit the 3d graphing is pretty sweet.

matze: Of course I know that there are a lot more possibilities on the TI 89. I'm thinking about writing a version for it, too but I know a lot more people owning a 83 and I don't have a 89 myself.

matze last edited by on January 23, 2015 - 08:13
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