
Sub-page of IfItHasANameKnowIt

There are some tesujis that are important (I think) but don't seem to have commonly known names that can be found at NamelessTesuji. Some of them are actually not nameless - just that the English name is not known to most people. :-)

-- unkx80

Hey, a real reason to learn Japanese (instead of wanting to read the text in the HikaruHandheldGame)!

If you don't know what a Japanese Go term means, you could make a reasonable guess (i.e. Niken Hiraki = two space extension because ni = two, ken = space (back-formation from ikken) and hiraki = extension because the page says so) -- JanDeWit

Hey! There are Korean and Chinese terms, also! :-)

Somehow I don't think this proverb applies to the taisha joseki -- Migeru

IfItHasANameKnowIt/discussion last edited by xela on July 27, 2007 - 16:42
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