Heo Yeong-ho

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Korean professional 9 dan, born on 2 July 1986.

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Promotion history

  • 9 dan / 2011.05.30 / 16th Bacchus Cup Cheonwon Preliminary
  • 8 dan / 2010.12.10 / 15th Samsung Fire World Baduk Masters Runner-up
  • 7 dan / 2009.05.01 / 2009 Korea Baduk League Seed
  • 6 dann / 2007.04.24 / 12th LG Cup Preliminary
  • 5 dan / 2006.01.20 / 11th Bacchus Cup Cheonwon Jeon Preliminary
  • 4 dan / 2005.01.10 / 1st round of the 10th Cheonwonjeon preliminary round
  • 3 dan / 2003.10.27 / 9th LG Oil Cup Preliminary 1-1
  • 2 dan / 2002.09.27 /
  • 1 dan / 2001.08.13 /

Go career highlights

Winner of the 2006 BC Card (Korean New Stars) (beating 2-0 Won Sungjin).

Runner-up of the 2010 Samsung Cup (lost to Gu Li 2-1).

Member of the Team Yeongnam Ilbo, winner of the Korean Baduk League in 2007 and in 2008. In 2008 League, Heo won the last and decisive game, against Yun Chanhee 2 dan.

Personal life

Heo is married to Kim Sinyoung 3p.


Heo Yeong-ho last edited by Jono64a on August 22, 2024 - 00:58
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