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Name: Howard Allan Lambert (aka Hal)
Date of Birth: November 25th 1986
Location: Ohio, USA
KGS: Hal9666([ext] Graph)
Goal: Become a top ranking professional go player in the Kansai Ki-in (More info)

I started playing go back in late 2008. I bought a board and stones and read a basic tutorial. I taught some friends to play and played a total of around a dozen games against them, most of which were 13x13. During 2008 and 2009 I only played a single game against somebody I didn't have to teach the rules. I lost interest in go at some point until I bought ThePathOfGo in early 2011, though I lost interest again shortly after since I couldn't beat it. On April 17th 2012 I was looking at my Xbox 360 games that I hadn't beat and decided to finish The Path of Go.

In my attempts to learn how to beat the game, I found Sensei's Library and a few other go sites. Some time after improving enough to beat the game I set my new goal at beating the AI on the highest difficulty. I realized that the best way to beat the AI would be to just get good at go. Sometime during my quest to best the AI, I fell in love with go. On May 1st, I decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to mastering go and began seriously studying the game. I now try everything I can to improve my skill at go.

I currently only play online since I can't easily make it to any local go clubs and I don't personally know anybody that plays go.

This is advice for me not from me, I'm in no position to give advice.

I want to read any go book worth reading, so I need some help with my list.

Here is my current go study plan.

I'm chronicling my quest to become a top ranking professional go player in the Kansai Ki-in, although right now there's not much to tell.

Here's a page that goes in-depth about the reasoning behind my goal.

Hal9666 last edited by Hal9666 on August 3, 2012 - 03:17
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