Fiery Rain Of Go Stones

    Keywords: Clubs & Places

A Go club and American Go Association chapter in Denver, Colorado. It meets the first, third, (and fifth if applicable) Sunday from 1:30 to 5:30 pm at the Mercury Cafe (2199 California St.).

Fiery Rain of Go Stones was founded in 2004. The chapter was born on April 2nd, and the first day of the club was April 4th. Since then its only closures were due to Christmas ('05) and New Year's Eve ('06). It has even remained open and active during blizzards.

Many club and chapter members regularly attend Denver and Boulder area tournaments, and they hold their own rated game sessions as well. Fiery Rain of Go Stones also presents Te wo Tsunaide, the US' 1st non-Congress Pair Go tournament (originating in 2005).

Though the meeting place is a restaurant, cafe, and bar, it is also a very large events venue and the Go club is listed in the calendar as a regular event. No loitering is involved, and visitors of any strength are always welcome.

We now have a room on KGS: Clubs/Fiery Rain of Go Stones. Message madamecp if you have been to the club and would like to join.

You can visit the [ext] Fiery Rain of Go Stones web site for further information.

Fiery Rain Of Go Stones last edited by on January 9, 2015 - 20:54
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