Dragon Tourney 2008

    Keywords: Tournament, Online Go

Ryzours: Dragon Tourney 2008 is the 4th annual tournament taking place on the Dragon go server.

Table of contents Index of sub-pages

Registration has started

To register, see the registration page

About the organisation

We're going to use google docs as well as sensei's library to set up the tournament.

[ext] First round for the open division

[ext] First round for the handicap division

Ryzours Google doc isn't practical so the next rounds will be tracked on sensei's.

/Second Round For Open Division

/Final Round For Open Division


About the use of sensei's library

DragonTourney2007 has been quite a disturbance for many regular sensei's users, because some of the participants were wiki newbies and didn't check the minor edit page when editing. I think setting the "ongoing games" tag have helped to settle this issue, but still there might be people here at sensei who don't like it being used this way.

Are they really sensei's library users who don't like pages like this one and want them deleted? Does anyone has an idea of how we could track the results without using sensei's library?

Arno: I think it is ok (which should not surprise anyone, because I', pretty open about the use of SL.) Especially the 'ongoing games' tag helps. If all else fails, then I can mark the page in a way so that all edits are 'minor edits' by default. Let's see how it turns out.

Ryzours: Thanks Arno. I'm glad we're not so much of a nuisance. Maybe we could be helpful too by bringing more users to sensei's library. We'll make more visible links to the homepage and to the TextFormattingRules pages if our next tournament end up being tracked here again.

Joshual000: The use of google docs seems very appropriate. I applaud the change. 2 comments;

  1. I found the game links from the old Senseis format very satisfying (easily observe important matches from the status page, etc..) Is there any plan to add such links to the new spreadsheet(s)?
  2. The old Senseis format had the players' entry rating. Any plan to include this as well (or a link to the dragon user profile?)

Ryzours Google.docs has strong points and weak points. It'll be easy to add a link to the player profiles, but to link to the games would require to manually enter the 380 game ids, which was possible on sensei's, with douzens of persons doing this, but is unpractical on google docs with few people able to edit the document.


Dragon Go Server





Dragon Tourney 2008 last edited by Ryzours on March 29, 2009 - 20:11
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