
  Difficulty: Introductory   Keywords: Go term

Chinese: 白 (bái or bai2)
Japanese: 白 (shiro)
Korean: 백 (RR: baek, M-R: paek)

White is one of the two colors used to play the game of Go; the other is black.


Move, stone, marked moves

Role in Game

  • plays second
  • gives handicap if necessary
  • usually played by the stronger player
  • addressed as "W" or "White" or "she" or "he" in reviews [1]
  • can receive komi to compensate for playing second
  • moves on even numbers in even games (due to playing second and because even passing is counted as a move), on odd numbers in handicap games [2] (due to playing first and because even passing is counted as a move)

Characteristics of White stones

  • made of shell (better quality, expensive), glass (common), plastic (poor quality, cheap), or pixels (computer Go, online Go)
  • White numbers 180 stones in some rulesets, an indefinite number in others
  • Between 6mm and 10mm thick
  • Slightly smaller diameter than black stones, yet appear to be the same size

See also


[1] see also Player Gender (please discuss there)

[2] hotcoffee: Is this strictly true? I'm sure I've seen notation conventions that list white's first move in a handicap game as move 2.

Bob McGuigan: In most books I've seen the black handicap stones are not considered moves and white's first move is move number 1. I think some computer go clients may play the handicap stones as consecutive moves, but I don't know what they do with move numbers.

White last edited by ThorAvaTahr on December 17, 2009 - 14:54
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