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I'm 4k KGS (under the same username) and have been playing since early March of 2006. Thanks to meeting someone here who plays, I'm finally starting to get the in-person playing experience I've lacked until now.

I'm a full-time medicinal chemistry honors student about to enter my fourth year at UNB Fredericton, if it interests anyone. If you happen to live there and are interested in a go club, please contact me since I'm in the process of starting one up.

Other than that, I'm also a member of the go teaching ladder, so if you're significantly weaker than me (say, 5 stones, or thereabouts) I'd be happy to review your game, on the condition that I can post it there. Just give me an email with the file attached and don't expect it to be done for about a week.

I'll be running a demo at COMUNICON in Fredericton in January. If anyone is willing to offer help or advise, please contact me.

Phelan: Regarding the teaching of beginners, have you seen Teaching Methods? There's a lot of material there that could help. I remember seeing something about "Starting a Go Club" here on SL, but can't find it now. You could ask on Quick Questions, or start the page yourself by clicking on the question mark above. Good luck!

RueLue: The above mentioned page is Setting up a Go club. It is part of the path Go club.

meh: I have indeed seen it. I'm working on all the set-up over the summer so that all anyone else has to do is just join and play for an hour a week or so.

meh last edited by Phelan on January 26, 2009 - 08:12
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