artboy 598

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Hi! I've been playing for about a year and I'm about a 7kyu or an 6kyu. I would like it if any strong players could play me in a few tutoring games. I hope to reach 1Dan by the summer of 2009.

If there are ANY amature dans that are willing to be my teacher, please type your KGS or IGS name here so I can find you. I am a kid and I don't have any money, so I wont be able to pay. Please, I need to find a teacher. I will be super-greatful to anyone willing to teach me

Tamsin: We`re probably in incompatible time zones, but feel free to ask me for a game (currently 1k on KGS). Good luck with your goals. By the way, I suggest you do lots and lots of tsumego - there are many good collections available free on line and you can find good books on the web, too.

artboy 598 last edited by artboy598 on September 29, 2008 - 04:34
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