
See also: Under the stones problem 5

Table of diagrams
Forcing moves
Capture inside
Seeming ko
Under the stones


Black starts with the placement B1. This is a difficult move to respond to. If white a or b, black will connect out with e. So white must prevent that. If white c, e or any point further to the right, black will play a and at least one of white's eyes will be false. So the only move that both prevents connecting out and prevents a false eye is d.

Note: f and g are miai, if white plays one in response to B1, black plays the other.

Forcing moves  

Now, black plays a series of forcing moves. B3 and B5 threaten to connect out, while B7 and B9 threaten to make the eye that would be formed by capturing B1 and B3 a false one. So each of black's responses is forced. After W10, black will go on to capture...

Capture inside  

After the capture, white must play a immediately. Other moves will result in white's death due to double damezumari, because white doesn't have many liberties on either side.


In response to W12, black sacrifices two stones but can recapture one.

Seeming ko  

After W16, the situation looks like ko. But black has yet another trick up his sleeve.


Black approaches with B17 and B19, allowing white to capture the black stones inside.

Under the stones  

B21 finally finishes white off, capturing under the stones.

XuanxuanQijingProblem251/Solution last edited by HermanHiddema on April 23, 2009 - 13:28
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