Two Player Three Color Go

    Keywords: Variant

See also Zen Go, aka "Three Player Two Color Go".

Three color go, depending on the exact rules chosen, usually devolves into highly tactical, political bloodbath or stalemate. Restricting the number of players to two does not immediately solve these problems. The following proposal intends to give a stable game where even the third color plays with a go-like feel.

Players and Colors

Two players, Left and Right. Three sides, black B, white W, and red cross. Each player controls one color. Assume Left starts with black and Right with white.

Move order

Turns follow this 16-move cycle:

  1. L Left moves with Left's color
  2. R Right moves with Right's color
  3. R3 Right moves for the third side
  4. L Left moves with Left's color
  5. L3 Left moves for the third side
  6. R Right moves with Right's color
  7. R3 Right moves for the third side
  8. L Left moves with Left's color
  9. R Right moves with Right's color
  10. L Left moves with Left's color
  11. L3 Left moves for the third side
  12. R Right moves with Right's color
  13. R3 Right moves for the third side
  14. L Left moves with Left's color
  15. L3 Left moves for the third side
  16. R Right moves with Right's color

/alternative move orders discussion


Since Right's initial color starts at a half-move disadvantage, it (not the player) receives 6.5 points at the end of the game.


When playing for the third side, there is a reason perhaps not to use it entirely for ones own devices (striking the opponent or sabotage by filling in eyes) though no moves are restricted. The enforcement mechanism is this: after a player moves for the third color, the opponent may compel them to switch... If that happens, the player is now responsible for the color they have (so the opponent says) just ruined. Their previous controlled color becomes the third side.


Territory scoring with captured stones counting against their color. Each player scores the color they control. The objective is to have more points than the opponent. In case of tie, Right wins.


Provisional Forbid causing repeated positions with the same color to move. Observe that ko may occur simply by passing with one color.

Three eyes to live (optional)

When moving, permute the rule of capture

  1. Check for capture of stones of this color
  2. Play a stone on an intersection
  3. Check for capture of differently colored stones

(Instead of the usual order, 231)

Two Player Three Color Go last edited by bugcat on March 22, 2024 - 21:58
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