Sorry, but is this connected to Go in any way? Shall we continue to add a page for every unrelated game?
Alex: It's related to Go somewhat in terms of the method of game play - that is, placing stones or pegs on points on a grid - and in terms of the strategy of connecting oneself and dividing the opponent. Shape is also related. Although "good shape" in Twixt (in static terms) would be somewhat different than in Go, the principles of efficiency and flexibility are still what determines good shape.
Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with having a brief description of other zero-chance, perfect information, one-move-at-a-time games on the Wiki in order to compare and contrast them with Go.
(If anyone wants to comment further on this issue, we should move it to a discussion page).
SiouxDenim: Game play in Twixt also feels a lot like Go. (Usually) there is an early phase where areas are mapped out, followed by a big fight for the centre. Ladders frequently occur, so disparate areas of the board inter-relate. Most importantly, despite superior reading ability, computer players are pretty rubbish.
John Pinkerton: Twixt feels a lot like Go. The attempt to jump ahead and outflank opponents is a significant part of both games. The feeling of sector lines is present in both. I credit having played Twixt as a kid for my starting Go at 13 kyu rather than 20 or 25 kyu. I introduced Twixt to my kids as an additional path to appreciating Go.
Certainly, drawn positions are possible under both rulesets, and most drawn positions under one ruleset are also drawn under the other. In general, draws occur slightly more often under standard rules.
I was going to upload an image example of a draw, but I found no instructions on how to do that. The Go board image generator doesn't quite work for Twixt. The main problem is representation of the links. So, here is a URL of a drawn position: White to move can not force a connection between his two chains. (How could I display that image on this page?)
The images for the small boards (6x6 etc.) apparently used the Go board image maker. A better way of showing Twixt positions is needed. Is it possible to upload images to this site? How much work would it be, to construct a Twixt image generator? (By the way, an SGF standard for Twixt has been proposed; see ) since this is a Go wiki, this won't be possible and many people would be against it (see /Discussion subpage)
Regarding the puzzles: " I have entered these as 24x24 full board problems, so they can be used as testcases..." This may not produce the results you want. A good Twixt program will play the entire board. Take puzzle 1 as an example. If this were placed on a 24x24 board with the rest of the board blank, the intended key move 1.E4 would be a poor move here, since black could respond with 2.P7 which would create many problems for white. Instead of 1.E4, a move like 1.i16, grabbing influence, would be much stronger. You might be able to represent these puzzles as 13x13 grids, but I don't recommend anything larger without a detailed examination of each position.
yes, of course the best move on the full board is somewhere else, so i connected the outmost links to the right and lower border, so that the solution stays the same :)