Herman Hiddema: Instead of endlessly bickering back and forth over who considers what an advantage, how good or bad tie breakers are, etc, I propose to run a test. Input would be welcome. The method I envision is the following:
This is a biased test: it assumes there is a scalar quantity that describes a player's winning probability, while it may just as well be true that in reality rings exist so that A beats B beats C beats A.
Here we see Bass denigrating the idea that there is a scalar quantity that describes a player's winning probability. Please compare with Bass comments on DirectComparison/Discussion where Bass states: Here's the evidence: the swiss system makes statements about the relative order of players who haven't faced each other and bases these arguments on comparing single scalar number. You cannot make single scalar numbers go into a loop no matter how hard you try. This means chaining is assumed. You should not be ashamed of chaining, everybody assumes it. It is even everything the knockout system is all about. So Bass is able to argue the matter both ways.
Herman Hiddema: Contrary to how it may appear, this is not contradictory. It is true that Swiss/McMahon tournaments and rating systems assume that skill in go is a scalar. What Bass argues in the context of tie breakers is that if you make that assumption, you must stick with it. On the other hand he argues that the assumption that skill in go is a one-dimensional thing may be false to begin with. This is an option, I have never heard of any proof that skill in go is scalar.
RobertJasiek: There are examples though that skill is non-scalar. Relations to thinking time or handicaps are just examples.
Herman Hiddema: Yes, another example, related purely to skill at go: Player A is good at shinogi. He likes to build some territory, then invade his opponents moyo's. Player B has a cosmic style and likes to build large moyo's. B is weak against player A, because A usually succeeds very effectively in destroying his moyo's. Player C is very territorial, he loves playing on the third line and grabbing more and more territory. He is weak against B, because he lets B's moyo's get to big, and is no good at invading them. But he is strong against A, because without being able to use his shinogi skills, A is less effective at grabbing territory, so C usually ends up with more points.
In the context of tournaments, ratings, tiebreakers, etc. There is an explicit assumption that skill is linear. We hold the tournament to get a winner, we use McMahon and tie breakers to rank the players. For this reason, The above experiment is still interesting in that context.
That such a scalar quantity exists is a fundamental assumption of all rating systems. The goal of the rating system is to attempt to approximate that unknown scalar quantity by applying statistical methods to a small set of data. That set of data is the win/loss results of games played. See the "System Description" section and the equations therein on the
http://gemma.ujf.cas.cz/~cieply/GO/gor.html page
However, this test should give good results for tiebreakers used in the tournament systems which rely on this assumption themselves, like the !Swiss and McMahon systems. So by all means, go ahead.
Yes, the above is true. Skill in go may well be a multidimensional phenomenon. In the context of McMahon/Swiss and Tiebreakers however, any test becomes pointless if we do not assume that skill is measurable along a single dimension.
This is just an uninformed guess, but might it not be a better test to use results from real tournaments so that the point system in whole is used to guess the results obtained during the tournament? Then, by changing the point system's tie breaker or leaving it out altogether, one would gain information on the relative usefulness of the tie breakers.
This is another, useful test. In this test however, we do not have any information about a player's true skill, whatever that may be. As such, there is nothing to test against.
A randomly generated list of players, with grade, MMS and rating:
1. Walden, Lawrence 7d 24 2679 2. Oconnell, Richard 6d 24 2612 3. Jackson, William 6d 24 2585 4. Huntington, Wyatt 6d 24 2566 5. Donaldson, Anthony 5d 24 2527 6. Mclaren, Clarence 5d 24 2495 7. Mccormick, Thomas 4d 24 2478 8. Sallee, William 5d 24 2470 9. Smith, Tyrone 5d 24 2451 10. Wilson, Darrin 4d 24 2446 11. Miner, Jeff 5d 24 2438 12. Callahan, Ezra 4d 24 2422 13. Harris, William 3d 23 2357 14. Maldonado, Kevin 3d 23 2343 15. Purcell, Shawn 3d 23 2305 16. Francisco, Devin 3d 23 2294 17. Corrigan, Armando 3d 23 2290 18. Reynolds, Frank 3d 23 2277 19. Furman, John 3d 23 2226 20. Gomez, David 2d 22 2289 21. Mccarter, Julio 2d 22 2202 22. Dunaway, James 2d 22 2192 23. Adams, Clarence 2d 22 2186 24. Gibson, Larry 2d 22 2182 25. Whitford, Frankie 1d 21 2177 26. Chamness, James 1d 21 2141 27. Chalmers, Maurice 1d 21 2135 28. Crowley, James 1d 21 2108 29. Thomas, Billy 1d 21 2107 30. Pope, John 1d 21 2078 31. Garcia, Tyrone 1d 21 2054 32. Hayes, Johnathan 1d 21 2026 33. Schmidt, Roger 1d 21 2026 34. Fancher, James 1k 20 2065 35. Schaub, Rodney 1k 20 2058 36. Byrd, Kenneth 1k 20 2053 37. Lam, Derek 1k 20 2043 38. Walker, James 1k 20 2038 39. Warren, Steven 1k 20 2036 40. Ackerman, Samuel 1k 20 2036 41. Mcdaniel, Guillermo 1k 20 1983 42. English, Richard 1k 20 1971 43. Pieper, Mario 1k 20 1955 44. Breen, Joel 1k 20 1933 45. Perez, Todd 2k 19 2061 46. Porter, Ronald 2k 19 2008 47. Sullivan, Joseph 2k 19 1982 48. Lambert, John 2k 19 1961 49. Mills, Michael 2k 19 1931 50. Meraz, James 2k 19 1915 51. Walker, Frederick 2k 19 1908 52. Russell, Ralph 2k 19 1868 53. Harris, Boyd 2k 19 1845 54. Mallette, Gordon 2k 19 1817 55. Rogers, James 3k 18 1908 56. Wood, Al 3k 18 1838 57. Boyce, George 3k 18 1805 58. Wilson, Roberto 3k 18 1752 59. Scott, Richard 3k 18 1674 60. Schultz, James 4k 17 1743 61. Novak, Robert 4k 17 1715 62. Spencer, Larry 4k 17 1679 63. Sommers, Christopher 4k 17 1676 64. Minor, Edward 4k 17 1574 65. Burnett, George 5k 16 1687 66. Wilson, Ronald 5k 16 1643 67. Saucier, Mark 5k 16 1622 68. Chambers, Oliver 5k 16 1569 69. Wilson, Michael 5k 16 1532 70. Jones, Mark 5k 16 1512 71. Brown, Juan 6k 15 1538 72. Coe, Lucas 6k 15 1526 73. Dorsey, John 6k 15 1478 74. Walls, Keith 6k 15 1464 75. Hunter, Derrick 6k 15 1423 76. Messina, Anthony 6k 15 1422 77. Martin, Rex 6k 15 1384 78. Ely, James 7k 14 1427 79. Ahn, Nathan 7k 14 1425 80. Pugh, George 7k 14 1383 81. Massie, Francisco 7k 14 1358 82. Long, Parker 7k 14 1263 83. Rodriguez, Alex 8k 13 1449 84. Ford, Robert 8k 13 1398 85. Smith, William 8k 13 1262 86. Gooch, Joel 8k 13 1242 87. Ahner, Harry 9k 12 1193 88. Shapiro, Ali 10k 11 1169 89. Flores, Rosendo 10k 11 1133 90. Moore, Wade 10k 11 940 91. Poole, Bryan 11k 10 866 92. Sanchez, Michael 12k 9 973 93. Hyatt, Mario 12k 9 835 94. Mora, Jose 13k 8 812 95. Hilbert, Arturo 13k 8 720 96. Morrison, Keith 14k 7 872 97. Howes, Rodney 14k 7 743 98. Madison, Stephen 14k 7 676 99. Richards, Todd 14k 7 585 100.Burns, Louis 15k 6 546b