The Rhymes of dsaun


dsaun was and is a beloved member of KGS. Sadly, he had COVID-19 when he passed away. But he wrote a large amount of limericks and haikus and poems to delight KGS users -- and others -- over the years.

There is a KGS room titled "Dsaun's Friends" under Social. If you knew dsaun, if you were close friends, even if you simply appreciated his infamous shape lecture, you are more than welcome to talk to others about your experiences with dsaun in this room.

Please post your memories here.

dsaun: "Come to my rengo said he!" // "four players are better than three" // "my mistakes can be grand"// "if you'll just lend a hand" // "so come to my table, its free!"

Nyanjilla: I wish I could rhyme like dsaun // I’d be versing from night-fall to dawn // But with words I just fumble // The result is a jumble // And the readers do nothing but yawn

UTDEspy: dsaun [-]: I played an ordinary pincer // It seemed to offer a trade // But then he made me wincer // I should have remembered... it’s slade.

Agronski: dsaun taught young and old, kyu and dan / in "T" games with good shape on hand / Often crying "Undo!" / He would educate you / How to make eyes wherever stones land.

Agronski: dsaun, a old Go tutor named / Offered many a teaching Go game / With a rhyme and a 'suji / He would bully the kyus; he / Shaped up many a group, just the same.

dayharri: dsaun: A denouncer kept shouting a name // an escaper he wanted to blame // “I don’t want to play’m, // “I’d rather just flay’m; // “tar and feathers are much too tame.”

dayharri: dsaun: A player thought losing a sin // yet always would play much too thin. // His groups had bad shape // and then he’d escape // ‘cuz he deserv’d (!) always to win!

darkronin: Love the poem by dsaun : A player who reads very deep // Likes to cut and oft’ to peep // He, gently will start // but end with a stone at the heart // of a group that goes quietly meep.

dsaun: I was stuck on life’s goban // I thought I would get // a gal who was kind and wise ; // but as time went by // I realized I’d met // just a taisha.. in disguise.

dsaun: a haiku: Quiet on the board // dead groups in the Summer heat // tartrate by 50

kindred: the last quote - "dsaun: I had a rank // but then I fell // I might be stronger // who can tell? // I lost a game // that's not so swell // But if I win // I then surmise // Who knows? My rank // may start to rise! // And rise and rise, until you see // I'm actually as strong as Lee! ☺ "

[Teaching game: basics 9d vs akobe 1k]
basics [9d]: am i playing basic dsaun
dsaun [-]: i am basic dsaun, you are playing akobe
basics [9d]: ahah

Free game: dsaun [-] with felino 5k 2016/11/12
felino 5k: This will be difficult to save :-((
dsaun [-]: :-D
dsaun [-]: also difficult to kill
dsaun [-]: to the audience: once again i have proven beyond all doubt that dsaun can't read worth beans

The board from the attic is nice. // The spirt inside gives advice! // But mine from the cellar // isn't so stellar. // It smells of cheap wine and mice.

"Silent fight, silent fight //
everything at risk, that's good and t'is right! //
'round the dragon the libs are so short //
a throw-in a cut, and everything's mort //
the byo is ticking, there's still time to try! //
My corner's alive... oh, no, it will die! //
My corner is going to die :( ♫♪"

"Stones don't bleed // and neither does my heart. // You killed my love in sente // Now my days are filled with playing Go and // pancakes; it's a start."

Partial memories of dsaun's rhymes

I remember parts of some of dsaun's rhymes -- maybe a line or two. My thought is we can post them here. Maybe some of us will remember other parts, and we can reconstruct them. If a rhyme is reconstructed, or found, it can be copied elsewhere on the page and deleted here.

About a bot - They say "it's a bot" // as if I care not

Another about a bot - It's lights dim and flicker // I think I hear it snicker

About Woolymacha - Wooly was a mammoth ... snow ... thousand years of ko.

There was one about feeding trolls. It mentioned "Troll Chow" and had "and how!"

Humorous chat with dsaun and his rhymes


I'm very sad to hear of his death! One of his best hints was: - Do not leave a burning house to go fishing while your house is burning dsaun: RIP run04


dsaun: A speaker (not very astute) // thought it would be terribly cute // to troll without end // (he thought it a trend) // but Nyanjilla gave him th..
N9DP: boot
dsaun: :)
dsaun: muttley, i'd like to write a limericks just for you, but i'm having trouble rhyming "Muttley"
dsaun: limerick*
Muttley: g;
Muttley: gl
YZ1509: chutney might do
dsaun: oh, i found a rhyme, but no limerick yet
dsaun: abruptly
Muttley: lol
dsaun: thanks, YZ'
Hu: bruskly
N9DP: There once was a man named Muttley // left his Go game abruptly// ???
Hu: raptly
Hu: aptly
Hu: corruptly
Hu: subtly
dsaun: subtly is good
Muttley: An admin the users called "Muttley" Asked for money in a manner quite brusquely "My orphange I'll build With the help of the skilled And the money I've garnered corruptly"
dsaun: corruptly...he's not that kind of guy (or dog)
Muttley: lol
dsaun: wow
dsaun: muttley i had no idea
Bruno: .
Muttley: Please donate to my "Jamaican Beachfront Orphanage Charity"
Muttley: Orphans not welcome.
dsaun: uh huh
Hu: It requires frequent personal inspection.
Hu: But not in hurricane season.
dsaun: "the orphanage is now free and based upon a donation model"
Muttley: lol
Muttley: Love children
Muttley: But I couldn't eat a whole one
dsaun: they have to be properly prepared
Hu: Thinking of the Irish problem in the context of BrExit??
selassieye: so many kids, so few recipes
dsaun: heh
LeGoSam?: Try "Bundle of Joy in a Blanket"
Hu: Muttley is born to serve man.
Hu: ... or child.
selassieye: soylent fleshtone
dsaun: Muttley loved children you see // well-battered in a nice fricasee // but he didn't ask subtly // so they all left abruptly // from his beachfront cottage by the sea.

Also from 2/5/20

dsaun: Go is fun // I do not lie // and so is eating apple pie // apple pie is truly great // but playing Go does not add weight.
Trom: I didnt know you were a poet dsaun
dsaun: oh, i've been writing bad limericks on kgs for years
dsaun: There once was a fairly lame bard // Whose scansion was frequently marred // He wrote some short verse // (it couldn’t be worse) // He tried just a little too hard.
dsaun: There once was a person who knew // that at Go he was lost, it is true! // but as he just moped // the EGR hoped // that he would stop writing these Gawdawful doggerel verses that never scan.

Tribute limericks and rhymes

LGSam: A questionable limerick in honor of the master of questionable limericks: Once, there was a great man named dsaun. // A grand Go legacy had he drawn // that will be remembered, and celebrated too, into each and every new dawn.

ErikaKohut?: There once was a player named Dsaun/ Who seemd to a have magical wand / He waived it over his go-ban / even then there was no sound /now in silence what he said was profound

RobertT: I invaded the corner of RobertT // just a tiny life would be good for me // but Robert has a special skill // and found a placement for the kill // I thought I'd live, he'd get a wall instead // but he got the wall, and my group's just dead :( ― Dsaun

The Rhymes of dsaun last edited by bugcat on May 10, 2022 - 15:06
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