The Go Club Of Rome

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The Go Club of Rome "Fujisawa Shuko" moved!
All go players are welcome!

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Go Club of Rome "Fujisawa Shuko"
c/o Ludo Pub "La Civetta sul como'"
Via Cereate 8, 00183 Roma
Go-Club meeting days: Wednesday from 18:00 to max 01:30
It is far only 700 meters from both Metro A subway station of "Re di Roma" or Metro A/C station of "San Giovanni"
Underground Metro A/C terminate its service at 23:30 on Wednesday in normal operating conditions
[ext] OpenStreetMap location
[ext] La Civetta sul como' facebook page

The tournaments organized by the Go Club of Rome


the stones roll back

After a while the wind of change brings us back to the dresser.

the show must GO on

After having been hosted in the "Garabombo" pub, the "La civetta sul comò" playroom and the "Nuovo bridge together" bridge club the dice rolls again: another place will be honored by the rumble of our stones over the wooden tables!


The Go Club of Rome "Fujisawa Shuko" goes towards its 24th birthday!
Enjoy the noisest, smokiest, rockest Go club in Europe!

Alas! After a dozen years of continuously hosting the Go Club of Rome, the illustrious Pub in via Clementina had to close... Bureaucracy forced Giancarlo, the Publican, to give up.
But luckily for Go in Rome, we were able to find right away another place nearby, in the Suburra again%%% This is a larger place, with very good beers and an even better selection of rhums (served with chunks of dark, bitter chocolate) and whiskeys (exceptional quality, but prices are accordingly expensive...)
Music is ever present, but less loud and more on the reggae side. Less smoke, no TV sets, but plenty of books, other games and exhibitions of various arts, poetry reading on selected days and so on...
The new address is the one below. The closest underground station is the same as before ("Cavour" on the B line) and the central train station (Termini) is still at a 5-minutes walk.
Days are the same (Tue-Thu), but we start a little later (see below).
The place is also the seat of the Association of the Saint Drinkers of Garabombo...

Just come, you are all welcome!

Go Club of Rome "Fujisawa Shuko"
c/o Associazione Culturale "La Luna nel Pozzo"
Il Garabombo
Tel. + 39 06 4890 3530
Via dei Quattro Cantoni 41
Meeting days: Tuesdays from 21:30, Thursdays from 20:30
[ext] old web site (web archive)
e-mail: romagoclub at iol dot it
Alessandra Buccheri +39 349 449 2178 e-mail: alessandrabuccheri at libero dot it
Fulvio Savagnone + 39 06 591 3727 e-mail: dj dot flux at iol dot it

Founded in 1982 by DJ, the GCoR has seen weak and strong players from many countries, visits of professionals (most notably Takemiya in 1990), local and international tournaments, highs and lows, boring (very seldom) and exciting (most often) nights, many different venues (the previous one hosted the club for a dozen years: the owners have changed three times, but the club stayed!).
Above all, it has seen lots, lots of Go!!

The GCoR has been dedicated to FujisawaShuko, Honorary Kisei.
We have the greatest admiration for the unruly brilliancy of his play and use of thickness. We also feel the greatest affinity for his (former) drinking capability and ability to throw away games with beautiful blunders.

The GCoR meets from 21:00 every Tuesday and Thursday, at the Garabombo (from the famous Manuel Scorza's novel "Garabombo el invisible") in via dei Quattro Cantoni 41, a five-minute walk from either the Colosseum or the main train station (Stazione Termini). The closest (one-minute walk) underground station is "Cavour", on the B (blue) line.
Via dei Quattro Cantoni is a quiet street in a very old, characteristic and lively area full of cineclubs, small restaurants, pubs and shops. The same area was called in the Ancient Rome the Suburra, and was then the seediest place of the Roman Empire, the brothel's quarter of Rome...
The Garabombo is a private club, but membership is free and instantly accorded to everybody.
Just ring the bell and you'll be welcome, whoever you are, an unbeliever, a fire-worshipper, even if you have broken your vows a hundred times...

(My sincere apologies to all Sufi's for having so freely used the words of the great Sufi mystic and poet Mevlana Jalalu'ddin Rumi)

Ranks at the GCoR range from 1D to 30k, with more or less half of the players in the range 1k-4k. We often have the occasional strong oriental player from the Japanese, Chinese and Korean communities in Rome.
Non Go-playing friends and partners are welcome as well: we have books, checkers, backgammon and other games.
You may also come just to eat & drink something: food and beers are good, grappa's are excellent, whiskeys and rhums are perfect. But if you are a teetotaller we have also soft (ugh!) drinks for you (and water, if really necessary...).

So far so good, but we have to issue a
If you need silent, quiet, smoke-free surroundings to play go, the GCoR may not suit your tastes...
OTOH, it is the perfect place to train your capacity to play in a hostile environment: if you have an iron-strong concentration, if smoke, noises, jokes, laughs, loud music are but a new-agey soft background for your ruminations on Semeai's, the GCoR is the place for you!

Few of the players are heavy smokers (though myself and the majority of others are not). Not only that, we have a loud soundtrack, selected by Stefano e Fabrizio (the Publicans): reggae, psychedelia, post-rock, etc....

If you feel you may face the challenge, come and have fun!

Just because we're so happy about it, we'd like to share with you the joy of a successful local Club tournament.

Five turns, five nights, 24 players, lot of newbies. And some club regulars didn't register because they couldn't attend all 5 turns%%% A huge attendance, if you think that it is very close to the attendance of a "normal" tournament in Italy.

One of the newbies claimed to have played for just a couple of weeks, entered as 25k and then proceeded to win all his 5 games... After the tournament, I got beaten at 9 stones... So I promoted him right away to 10k!

Really, it's a pleasure to see our club having such a good time (and growth...)!

-- DJ


For those of you planning to come to the EGF Congress in Frascati, please bear in mind that [ext] FIGG (CF 2002-2009) has never involved our club in its organisation, so we have nothing to do with it and we can't help you in any way whatsoever.

But if you will have time, we will warmly welcome you to our club.

The Go Club Of Rome last edited by STEKTURKU on December 28, 2024 - 10:37
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