These are a series of five counting lessons I gave in the Wings room of the KGS Go Server in the Fall and Winter of 2002-2003. They have been very well received and many people have told me that they learned a lot from them. I am seriously considering turning this into a series of web pages giving far more information than was possible in an online lesson. This may never happen and if it does it will not be for some time as I have many other interests. If, or when, this happens I will update this page.
Please feel free to tell others about these lessons but do not copy or edit them and be sure to give credit. I am not posting them directly to SL because I want to reserve the copyright to them in case I ever decide to do anything with them.
As of 6th August, 2013 I have had to move these files to a different location. The new ISP does not recognize the .SGF extension and so will not display them unless I add .TXT to the filenames. When you click on them you will see the SGF code, which you will have to save to a file with the .TXT extension removed.