Sliding Go
Sliding Go is an easy Go variant which resembles Go in all its points except that the placement of stones is not free.
The placement of stones is carried out by a slide on the board. The stone is initially placed on a free intersection on the edge closest to the player (home edge) or next to a group connected to the home edge, and then slid to its final position. A slide can only follow the gridlines, and only 'turn' at right angles on intersections. Any number of turns are allowed, as long as the stone always follows the gridlines and only moves through unoccupied intersections.
As a consequence, kos are impossible, placement tesujis will be out, most big eyes are alive etc.
On the left, Black has no eye at the circles, since White can fill it up without Black responding. (Black cannot 'get in there'.)
Let's try a game on 9x9. Black's 'home' edge is the lower edge, White's home edge is the upper edge.
-- MortenPahle
Anonymous: how do you want to play that game? people repeatedly editing the board?
See also /Discussion