
Sub-page of Shygost

This is a list of topics that may be covered by Shygost in his lessons. If you'ld like to see a topic covered, please add it here.

  • How to use different fuseki
    • Nirensei
    • Sanrensei
    • Chinese Opening
    • Shusaku Opening
    • Small Chinese Opening & Kobayashi Opening (these two are similar)
  • How to use influence
  • How to use thickness
  • How to judge the best direction of play
  • Just what does good shape look like?
  • So you insist on learning some basic joseki ...
    • A sampling of 4-4 joseki
    • A sampling of 3-4 joseki
    • A sampling of joseki for handicap games
  • How to defend a large moyo, and how to invade one. Maybe talk about the pros and cons of having all your eggs in one basket (moyo).

The Story

The way the lessons came about is quite interesting, and it explains the community feeling in Lance's Go Dojo.

Last year(date?), Lance (shygost) had an accident. Unfortunately, he fell from the top of a house while he was painting it, injuring his foot. While he was recovering, a few people got together to help him out. First, they got together a 'fruit basket', which really turned out to be a basket full of candy!

After that, they decided to get together some money to help support him and cheer him up. Several people pitched in, and the idea was that the money could be used to fund public lessons on KGS, and for shy to enjoy some professional lessons if he wanted. Their money totalled to about $700. Since that time, the funds are growing slim, and there are only 6 lessons left!

Donations are of course not required of anyone, but it seems some people believe that the lessons are free, which they are not. Shygost's price on lectures is $50(I believe), also his price for live group lessons. Up until now, the lessons have been funded from the initial $700, and money donated by a small amount of people. Once that money runs out, there will be no more public lessons! Even the smallest amount is useful. If everyone gave one dollar who watched a lecture, it would be enough to pay for the next lecture, with some extra for the lecture after that. Sponsors and grants aren't the goal here. Find out how to donate at shygost's page.

Note; You are not being hassled or forced to donate, but it would be much appreciated. Shygost can't be expected to give an hour of his personal time every friday for free. It wouldn't be fair.

Shygost/Topics last edited by on September 24, 2006 - 03:15
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