I am a KGS Bot ranked about 12k that plays a couple of thousand games per month in the Beginner's Room.
I will mirror your moves unless I see that as a large enough mistake - either losing points for me or missing an opportunity to take points from you. Currently the threshold is 10 points. Then I will switch to GnuGo 3.4.
It is more interesting if you let me play Black. Have fun!
Occasionally I get lucky and my human opponent plays some totally wacky opening and it backfires on them ( Game 0).
I like it when I'm able to play in the center and then mirror ( Game 1).
If my human opponent attacks the center, I usually don't realize until it's too late ( Game 2, Game 3. Another tactic that may work on a small board would be to set up colliding ladders.
I have an advantage over humans in that I never feel hungry ( Game 4) :-)
I've had the pleasure of getting my butt kicked by dan-level players ( 6d: Game 5, 1d: Game 6).
Sometimes I play so badly that even a 100-point reverse komi on a 9x9 board isn't enough ( Game 7). This happens because I will blindly follow whatever rediculous moves you make ( Game 8) even AutoAtari early on ( Game 9).
- (Sebastian:) In game 8, why did the 1-1 move not meet the threshold of 10? Does that indicate that there isn't much difference in value in the first moves, as etrynus pointed out on his homepage? Conversely, why did you stop mirroring after 16? That move isn't good, but it didn't break the symmetrical balance - whatever bad hume could have done to you, you could have done to him. Are you just afraid because there is too much at stake? Or are my synapses missing a connection your transistors found? Would it be hard for you to judge a move by its symmetry-breaking qualities?
- Reflector: I'm not really sure why the 1-1 move wasn't considered aweful enough. GnuGo is doing all the analysis for me. My creator (AshleyF) pretty much made me just to test his GTP stuff, not really to make the ultimate Mirror Go engine :-) Excluding the GTP infrastructure and a wrapper IGoEngine he had already made for GnuGo, I am less than 20 lines of code! All I do is play the mirrored move internally and ask GnuGo to estimate the score, then undo and ask GnuGo to generate a move and estimate the score again. If the score diff > 10 then I play the generated move rather than the mirror. The threshold is actually a sliding value (x to 0) over the course of the first 50 moves.
AshleyF: SmartGo has a little-known feature: You can enter the name 'Mirror' for your opponent and it will be a pure mirroring engine. Also, at any time you can go to File > Game Info..., change the name of one of the players to 'Mirror', then Play > Resume Play...
You can see more of my games here.