Playing a pro game backwards, Game 1
Bill: Picking up on an idea of Holigor's, how about studying a pro game backwards? Instead of 10 moves per page, I think that 30 is reasonable for this game. Given a week or so for comments, we should finish in about two months. Please join in the fun. :-)
Bill: picks up 2 points in gote. Next, is a 2 1/4 point sente. at a (reverse sente) would gain 1/4 point more, but would allow at b, which gains 2 points. But is right, because it is the last play at the 2 level before a significant drop in temperature. See /Tedomari.
White takes several 1 point sente with - , and then plays , which is an interesting play.
How much does (previous diagram) - gain? See /Bottom side.
Bill: - (moves 263 - 268) are curious. Technically correct is at a, a 1 point sente, leaving a 3/4 point play on the right side. is strange, too, losing 1/2 point. (White gets it back by getting the last play, so the score is unaffected.)
See /Right side.
Black has captured 6 White stones. White has captured 4 Black stones.
Bill: Black gets the last 1 point play (miai value), but it does not matter, because White gets the 1/2 point play. and are miai.
Bill: My source for this ancient game says that the result is jigo, but it looks like a one point win for Black to me. Also, some of the play looks a little funny, as though the players were contesting a point that isn't there. Maybe the game record is not accurate. Or am I mistaken?
John F. There are indeed other versions of this game that give the result as B+1. The original exists only in MS form and that, plus age, opens up lots of possibilities of a corrupted record. There is a perhaps unusual number of jigos in this period, however, and given the circumstances, one must not discount the possibility that any funny moves might be explained by efforts to create a jigo (and if they missed the target they bluffed over the result???).
Bill: Thanks, John.
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 219 to 248
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 189 to 218
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 159 to 188
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 129 to 158
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 99 to 128
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 69 to 98
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 39 to 68
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 20 to 38
Pro game backwards, Game 1, moves 1 to 19
Funny: just today I found a close concept used in Chess: <>.
unkx80: On SL - Retrograde analysis.