Page Number 3000
On September 17th, 2002, CharlesMatthews created Sensei's Library page number 3000 : Takeda Hiroyoshi (part of NamesInGo).
It took the fellow deshis of SL an unbelievably short time of less than three months to create another brilliant thousand pages of content since page number 2000.
Although Morten tried to get an edge by putting the FAQ on SL, he was outpaced by CharlesMatthews and SAS 1:5. A special thanks to Charles and SAS!
For reference: as of today (2002-09-21) following people are listed to have modified/created this amount pages since 2002-07-09 (the day of page number 2000):
Deshi modified pages SAS 556 CharlesMatthews 489 Unkx80 124 MortenPahle 98 DieterVerhofstadt 77
Morten and I would like to thank all of the people who have contributed and who are still contributing. We feel honored to be your hosts.
-- ArnoHollosi