Our club meets every Monday evening from 7PM to 10:30PM at room 102 Jock-Turcot University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We have players of all levels, from beginner to 6 dan. We average about 8 players per meet.
All levels are welcome!
The website currently has this message:
Because of the situation with the corona virus, we will suspend our regular meetings at the university and workshop at the library until the situation returns to normal.
However, we have created a group for the club on OGS; thus you are invited to go there Monday evenings (and at any other time if you want) and keep in touch with the other members of the club.
You can find more info here: http://www.facebook.com/OutaGo https://ottawagoclub.wixsite.com/ogcs
See also the OGS group.