mw 42
Malkovich Games
- Malkovich - mw42 v. Perception
- Malkovich - Puppycakes v. mw42
- Malkovich - Dusk Eagle v. mw42
- Malkovich - mw42 v. Magicwand
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- Life and Death & Tesuji Problems, Posted on [1]
[1] tchan001: Are you sure it is really such a good idea to post so many problems on SL from that set of books along with the solutions? That set is not exactly ancient classical problems which have no copyright.
It's one thing to sample several problems from the set and quite another to try to post a major portion of the set for people who might otherwise look to purchase them.
mw42: Can you copyright a problem? I'd think the copyright would protect the discussion of the solution which I do not reproduce.
tchan001: You are not merely reproducing a single problem from a book, you are reproducing a series of problems from two specific set of books.
You need to remember that SL copyright says the following "By submitting material to Sensei's Library you grant everyone the rights to copy, distribute, and modify the material under the terms of the Open Content License."
Furthermore: "If you have reason to believe that the original author(s) would object to quotations of their work being published on SL, then do not publish it until they have given permission. If permission is not given, or if you do not try to obtain this permission, do not publish the material on SL."
Do you actually believe that the authors of the original work would give you permission to quote a major number of their problems for publication on SL under the SL copyright?
Regarding whether you can copyright a series of go problems, I can tell you that the Japanese publisher (Tokyo Sogensha 東京創元社) of the Japanese version of the Kweon Kap-yong Baduk Academy Series's "Heavenly Dragon Diagrams" Vols 1-2 has stopped distribution of the said volumes as they were found to contain tsumego composed by the famous Japanese author Kada Katsuji 加田克司. Tokyo Sogensha then issued an official apology for this matter which can be read (in Japanese) at
Furthermore, I quote from the SL Copyright Discussion:
"material facts such as game records and game positions are not protectable. Composed go problems and positions, on the other hand, are creative, protectable works. Copyright protects an individual expression of an idea."
mw42: Right, thanks for the information. It would seem the relevant issue is if the problems themselves are original compositions. I do not have an answer to that, but, in any case, I stopped posting examples from my daily set.
tapir: I feel there is more need for discussion before jumping to conclusions. My take is on the forum.