Move one space further with snapback
Difficulty: Intermediate Keywords: Tactics
The motto ‘move one space further with snapback’ means one can use the threat of a snapback to make a larger encroachment along the edge upon enemy territory than a more vulgar move achieves. This can be useful in life and death and in the endgame.
Table of contents | Table of diagrams The essential position Black to play and kill The killing snapback Failure: white lives The position in the endgame The snapback in the endgame No snapback: inferior yose |
If White a, black will capture three stones with snapback.
uses snapback to move one space further into White’s group, ruining his second eye.
Because he did not threaten a snapback, Black could not get far enough in to hurt White’s eyespace.
In the endgame
In the endgame, the same technique increases one’s profit and helps retain sente.