If White has far superior ko threats, then this sequence can be expected. So the monkey jump is better by 2 points. (The two points marked with a Square).
If Black can win the ko, White can reply like this, essentially reverting to the original monkey jump diagram. So the one-space jump is never better. (This may, of course, be different in other circumstances.) (White 11 connects at c.)
Harpreet: If I'm not mistaken, black would play like this if there are enough ko threats for him. 5 at 6 is not possible.
gogobera: Then what? If black loses the ko, white gets to fill and black gets compensation elsewhere. If black wins the ko, white gets compensation elsewhere, but her territory, here, is decimated, no? Is it clear how to respond beyond the following diagram? I understand that this is very situation specific, but the moral seems to be: If you can win the ko, as B, the 1 pt jump into big W territory is very large. Or, as W, the decent before the original 1 pt jump is very likely sente, if you cannot win the ko, or have no other comparable mutual damage threat. (Please correct any erroneous assumptions, thanks!)
Hyperpapeterie: If Harpreet is right (and I think he is) White can't play in the preceding diagram. So the diagram you're asking about would not arise, gogobera.
[1] dnerra: These values assume that White's hane, after preventing the monkey jump by a block on the second line, would be sente.
See Also: Monkey jump and ko