MoGo/Playing Strength
To assess MoGo's playing strength, it is useful to see how well the program does under certain constraints against players of different skill. This page lists those constraints and the achievements of the program:
Playing against Zhou Junxun (9p Taiwan) (feb 10, 2009)
- Hardware: unknown
- Time Limits: unknown
- Results:
- Handicap 7: MoGo wins 1 out of 4 on 19x19 board
Playing against Li-Chen Chien? (1p China) (feb 10, 2009)
- Hardware: unknown
- Time Limits: unknown
- Results:
- Handicap 6: MoGo wins 1 out of 2 on 19x19 board
Playing against Herman Hiddema (3 dan EGF)
- Hardware: Pentium M single core 1.73 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP
- Time Limits: 12 seconds per move
- Results:
- Handicap 9: MoGo wins 6 out of 9
- Handicap 8: MoGo wins 0 out of 3
Playing against ThorAvaTahr (1k EGF, 1d KGS)
- Hardware: AMD Sempron 3400+, 2 GB RAM, Windows XP
- Time Limits: 12 seconds per move
- Results:
- Handicap 9: MoGo wins 3 out of 6
Playing against Catalin Taranu 5p Japan.
- Hardware: Several supercomputers
- Time limits: 45 min absolute.
- Results:
- Handicap 9: MoGo wins 0 out of 1
Playing against Catalin Taranu 5p Japan (may 22, 2009)
- Hardware: unknown
- Time limits: 30 min
- Results:
- Handicap 0: MoGo wins 1 out of 4 on 9x9 board (chinese rules, komi 7,5)
- These games can be found on KGS with user "MogoRennes"
Playing against PlatinumDragon (no rank (beginner), play black stones).
- Hardware: Core Duo T2050 2x 1.6GHz, 2GB RAM, Windows Vista Ultimate
- Time limits: 0 seconds per move (I did set it this way.)
- Results:
- Handicap MoGo give me 33 stones: I resign because MoGo create a living group. MoGo wins 1 out of 1.
- Handicap MoGo give me 37 stones: No White Stones alive after 272 moves. MoGo wins 0 out of 1.
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