mistakes due to killing intent


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I have seen people try to kill this stone in every way possible


just to tell you all know, this white stone is definitely able to be very much alive.

I see people (me thanatos13 included) playing this.

Black can't play on both sides now.  

This makes black 's top right corner and top side very, very weak.

If you want the corner, defend the corner, if you want to defend the top side, approach from the left, but doing both in this case is very painful for black.

Anon: Could someone show a continuation after 4 for why this is painful for black?

Compare without further strengthening white to the next diagram (black has not time to come back to a, but is running ahead on the right side)  

tapir: Basically, the left corner looks good for white, white has stable territory black has a wall, but doesn't secure anything, so black needs an extension. If the pincer aims to be that extension it shouldn't be so near to get so weak as to invite a counterpincer or shoulderhit - as you can't care about both corner and pincer stone. But this is only my thought, stronger players should tell sth. as well. Black may be satisfied after B5 in the line without attachment, problably White at b next, White may go directly at c with W3... Blacks wall doesn't accomplish much here.

OTF: Compare this - loose pincer  

B2 is something of a double purpose move.

mistakes due to killing intent last edited by tapir on September 22, 2009 - 01:13
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