Making your opponent connect is not really putting him in damezumari

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Tactics

dkiller: During comments on a game between two beginners, it seemed they misunderstood damezumari. I'll write down the dialogue and the diagrams as I can remember it.

If I'm wrong, please let me know.


Black player: Here dkiller, this is a good move, I'm playing a damezumari.
Dkiller: How can you say that a damezumari is a good move?
Black player: How it can be wrong? Before White had three liberties, now only two liberties, it is a good move.
Dkiller: Oh my god, we're not taking about the same 'damezumari'; see the continuation.


Dkiller: You see, now White is connected, White has eight liberties. It's a lot more than the three liberties at the beginning. On the other hand, Black has only two liberties and before had three liberties. With the cut at a, it is very worrying to have so few liberties. That's why I said it was a bad move.

To conclude this exchange I would say that you can't really put your opponent in damezumari, you can only put yourself in damezumari (often a bad move) or use already-present damezumari to solve a local situation in a particular way.

-- dkiller

Damezumari (really)  

Charles Matthews: The correct way for Black to play here must be B1 in this diagram, which is worth a point and threatens a snapback.

Bill: And if then W2, B3 protects against the cut at a.

Zook: So the correct way to play here is B3 first. The B1-W2 is a 1-point sente and thus very likely to be more valuable as a ko-threat.

Charles If you're talking about leaving ko threats, B3 is all wrong anyway. It was a beginner question on a beginner page, no?

Zook: I didn't find the correct words to anticipate your possible grief. Of course ko vs points is not a beginner issue anymore. Still, B3 gives eyeshape. I prefer eyeshape (where needed) over reducing ko-aji over points. Cheers.

Making your opponent connect is not really putting him in damezumari last edited by Unkx80 on November 7, 2003 - 14:39
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