When Black plays , setting up the Kobayashi Fuseki, KataGo evaluates this as a small loss (~0,5 pt). It recommends White to simply approach the lower right corner next, high or low.
Although the Kobayashi fuseki is intended to lead to a fighting game, starting with a pincer, KataGo thinks Black can best play the common tsuke hiki joseki with the particular , then use sente to 3-3 the opposite corner.
The low approach is met with a pincer. KataGo recommends White to leave the front and take the 3-3, since has many options to settle.
After the 3-3 invasion, Black takes sente to come back to the lower right. and
are light moves to reduce Black's framework without creating a heavy group.
Another option for Black is to play the kosumi of and then 3-3 the opposite corner after
The widest path for the Kobayashi fuseki is White's peaceful approach at . KataGo slightly prefers the closer approaches, in particular the high one, as mentioned above.
takes territory and
extends. Next ...
Black checks at . KataGo (slightly) prefers, as expected, to 3-3 the upper left. Likewise, KataGo doesn't want to defend at
but 3-3 the upper right. Here the difference is >1 point. In other words, after the previous diagram, the right side is less urgent than the two corners.
The main branch of the widest path for Kobayashi ends with taking territory and
defending. It then forks into the approach at a or the defensive play at b.
KataGo however has an aggressive suggestion for :
This would level the game (W+~0,3)
Likewise in the previous diagram is considered passive. Black gets sente to 3-3 the upper left and the game is level as well.
The more natural development of this opening is for Black to pincer high at . In that case simply attaching and running out is recommended. Contrary to conventional (amateur) wisdom, confirming Black's lower side as territory is playable for White. If we accept that, then conventional (amateur) wisdom implores us to use our influence for attacking at b. However, now KataGo and other AI recommend the submarine of a.
The idea is that if Black separates a from the rest of the group, he will become heavy. And if he doesn't, White makes a base while denying Black a base.
After , White's groupon the right side has a base. Black's cutting stones are heavy. Also, thanks to the marked exchange White cqn atari at a and weaken Black's lower side.
If Black presses from the other side, White makes an easy base and Black's stones are floating. This offsets the territory at the bottom.