

Describe Kenri here. The right to perform a certain action (権利)

Patrick Traill: Would this be the same as privilege (in which case this or that page should be made an alias)?

bugcat: As I understand it, SL generally favours the use of English terms as the names of our articles rather than their Japanese (or for that matter Chinese or Korean) counterparts. So "kenri" would be the alias of "privilege". Regarding the term "privilege" (as the ability to make a certain play in sente whenever one wants), I have more often heard the word "right" used in this context. Personally I favour "right" in this context rather than "privilege" as it reflects that sente plays are not based on gentleness afforded by the opponent but rather by the threat of a punishing follow-up that will harm him.

Kenri last edited by bugcat on March 2, 2018 - 01:59
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