KGS Wishlist
This is the overview of pages with ideas and feature requests KGS users hope can one day be implemented in the server or client software (KGS or CGoban3).
If you have an idea for something, what could make CGoban/KGS better as it already is, then (easiest) go to the KGS Wishlist / Unsorted page and describe it there. We will move your idea to the best fitting page.
Please, consider to add your own and vote for other suggestions here, as well.
If you are a first time user:
If you just used KGS for the first time, this page may be quite confusing to you. Your experience, however, is very valuable and you can help improve KGS by adding it to KGS First Time User Experience.
Bugs, Problems, Solutions:
To point out a bug instead of a wish, go to KGS Bugs.
If you have a technical problem with CGoban or an idea for circumventing a problem with CGoban, add it there: Cgoban problems and solutions (and collection of problems still without workaround; it's not a bug page and not a wish list).
Future Client
It appears that wms is doing work on a future web browser client.
Table of Contents
- [00] Summary / Most Wanted
- [1] Social
- [11] Logging In
- [12] General User Handling
- [13] Chat handling/room use
- [14] Handling Nasties
- [15] Design Discussion: Should Games be arranged by Chat?
- [16] New User's First Login
- [17] Privacy
- [18] Management
- [12] General User Handling
- [1½] Game Setup / Game Settings
- [2] Game Handling
- [21] General Game Stuff
- [22] Editing
- [23] Score Estimator
- [24] Rule Systems (topics moved)
- [25] Time Systems (topics moved)
- [26] Ratings, Ranking (topics moved)
- [27] Game Start
- [28] Game End
- [22] Editing
- [3] File Handling / Database Use
- [31] User Info (topics moved)
- [32] Game info
- [33] Game File Format and Saving
- (KGS Issue) Kogo's Joseki Dictionary
- [32] Game info
- [4] General UI and Design Issues
- [41] Keyboard accelerators/shortcuts/hotkeys
- [5] KGS Plus
- [6] Chat related, all client windows (in the flow of a wme)
- [7] KGS Web Pages/Help Wiki
- [8] Technical / Other / Dunnos
- [9] kgsGtp and Bot Access to KGS
- [10] Security
- [11] Organizational
- [12] User Info Window
- [13] User Ratings
- [14] Editing a game (review, demo etc.)
- [15] Lists related, all client windows (in the flow of a wme)
- [1] Social
Over the years the entire KGS Wishlist is about to get restructured.