Joseki Nomenclature Expert Names/ Discussion

Hi there!

It's a good work to have a nomenclature, but I feel, it will not lead to names easy to be reminded. I have been thinking on the subject, and I think that metaphoric names like nadare and taisha are best. Everybody knows these joseki names, and they stick to the mind much easier than komoku-low approach-high near pincer and the like. So I propose to create a list of animal-plant-object-name for all joseki. That would help me much.


Andre Ay, author of [ext] ([ext] archived, active 2005-07)

WillerZ: Hmmmm. Since it seems that there are more possible games of go than atoms in the universe, is there not a fair risk that there are more possible joseki than names in the universe? :-).

Seriously, however, why aren't joseki named after the first pair of players to show it (where known), and numbered incrementally after that? I suppose with the rise of internet go, that could lead to a lot of confusion and silly names: WillerZ-hikaru47-1 is not such a good joseki name.

Mef: I think the idea is that with standardized names someone who has never seen a diagram of the joseki will know what is happening. If you say Magic sword to someone who has never seen the Magic sword, the sequence isn't exactly intuitive from the name, however if you say Komoku, High Approach, 2 space high pincer, outside attachment, they will have some mental picture.

Joseki Nomenclature Expert Names/ Discussion last edited by bugcat on September 21, 2021 - 01:22
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