International Computer Games Association
The aims of the International Computer Game Association ICGA are:
- to publish a quarterly ICGA Journal
- to hold regular World Computer-Chess Championships, Computer Olympiads, and Advances in Computer Games conferences
- to strengthen ties and to promote cooperation between computer-game researchers
- to introduce computer games to the games world
- to support national computer-games organizations and computer-games tournament organizers
The ICGA was founded as the ICCA in 1977 by computer chess programmers to organize championship events for computer programs and to facilitate the sharing of technical knowledge via the ICCA Journal.
Renamed the 'ICGA' in 2002, the association now more broadly fosters the Computer Games community through its relationships with Computer Science, Commercial and Game organisations throughout the world.
The ICGA's broader scope reflects the more general way in which computer-game capability contributes to Artificial Intelligence and to the human experience of game-playing.