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Hmm. I dislike trying to describe myself, but I'll give it a go...

I was first introduced to go by the abomination known as the [ext] bookshelf game version back in the late 1970s, early '80s. Although I enjoyed it, my friends & family did not, so I didn't play many games. In the early '90s I remembered the game, and bought a decent set & some books from the Ishi Press. I still didn't get to play many games, but I did learn a lot about how the game was supposed to be played. ;-)

Since then I've played on and off, and as of September 2010 I'm still a lowly kyu, due to lack of effort & discipline. :/

I'm one of the developers of a set of [ext] SGF file utilities for Mac OSX users.

I became interested in collecting go books in early 2008, and have since acquired most of Ishi Press's output, as well as a few from other publishers. You can see pictures of my books & other random things [ext] here.

On rare occasions I play a game on DGS as imabuddha. [ext] DGS

My life is now complete: I've made the RecentChanges Junkie's Nightmare list.

imabuddha last edited by 240f:00c0:8b6d:0001 on February 21, 2022 - 10:09
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