Holigor's thoughts on hoshi
The 44 stone at the star point or hoshi is oriented towards thickness. This means that black in the diagram is ready to let white settle in the corner.
Black needs two more moves to secure the corner, which is a lot for a territory that is not that large. Therefore, black would like to be forced to secure the corner. Uberdude: shouln't this be "would NOT"? OneTrueCalculus: No, the original wording is correct. Black would not want to spend two moves to secure the corner while white is playing big moves elsewhere, but if white plays nearby, then black can respond to white while making territory.
Black has to play his fuseki taking into account the fact that white can at any moment invade the corner at 3-3 point and live in sente.
Since a white san-san invasion is very likely to live in sente, black has to plan the game to ensure compensation for the the corner in the form of thickness.
After white's invasion black gets the thickness. At the moment it is virtual thickness, but black has to behave as if it is there already. Remembering the proverb about playing away from thickness, black's priority is to play oba at the center of the sides rather than to make a shimari.
If the oba points are not interesting it is better for black to choose an ogeima shimari over the keima shimari. Neither keeps the corner, but ogeima is farther away from the resulting thickness.
Black should look for the opportunity to make another move in the corner in sente to have a chance to secure in an economical manner.