This page is currently devoid of any advice from me, because I don't have any advice to give. I do plan on adding advice of my own once I'm in a position to do so. Currently this page is just here so I can beg for advice. I welcome anybody to add advice to this page. This page is intended to serve as a guide to anybody seeking to become a professional, or simply very strong, go player. If somebody can think of a less ambiguous title, then I'll ask a mod to change it to that.
If you want to discuss anything on this page start a discussion thread; I only want advice on this page. I will curate this page. I'll likely sort similar advice into categories, move any discussions to a discussion thread, and delete anything that is neither advice or a discussion of advice. Also try to avoid asides or any comments to, or about, me; I'd like this page to read as if it wasn't aimed at any person in particular.