
Sub-page of Gomer

Gomer is being developed in C++ using [ext] Qt Creator, which is available for [ext] free under the [ext] LGPL. This means that it should build from source and run, with varying degrees of effort, on Linux, Windows, OS-X, Android, and other platforms.

To get the source code, you'll need [ext] git or another SCM tool of your choice that works with [ext] Git Hub or [ext] Git Lab.

GomerFirstCut was running from source more or less effortlessly on Windows and Linux. In Qt Creator select the archive/FirstCut/Gomer.pro file, configure the project to run on your desktop, and click on Build & Run.

GomerEngine is a console application, which seems to need some configuration to work in Windows, for now I am only using it in Linux, with a similar process in Qt Creator, select the Engine/CMakeLists.txt file, configure the project to run on your console, and click Build & Run. A pre-requisite for building the Engine in addition to Qt Creator and all the usual build tools and libraries it requires, is the [ext] CMake makefile building utility.

The engine starts, in typical GoTextProtocol fashion as a blank screen with no prompt. Commands are entered one line at a time, a very useful one to start is help. I have added a few protocol extensions which make it not too hard to play a game via the console: sap to show the board after a move, g for the engine to generate a move for the current player, and p c vx to play color c which can be any of: b, black, 0, w, white, 1, at vertex vx in GTP standard vertex notation like H19 or J1.

I frequently copy the build-Release/GomerEngine executable file to /usr/local/bin where I have configured SabakiSoftware to be able to play it against a human, or GnuGo.

Return to GomerEngine.

Gomer/Technology last edited by on November 2, 2019 - 22:22
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